Allan Hewitson

UNDER MISCELLANEOUS: Talking of mild weather and veterans’ rights

Sentinel columnist Allan Hewitson talks about the area's mild weather and the ongoing troubles with Canada's veterans.

UNDER MISC: The missteps and moving forward after the provincial election

Northern Sentinel columnist Allan Hewiston weighs in the the problems from the campaign and makes some wishes for those down south.

Under Miscellaneous – Accountability lacking

Allan Hewitson's latest Under Miscellaneous Column from the Northern Sentinel.

Sometimes a bit too much in the news to keep up

Columnist Allan Hewitson weighs on on the multitude of stories in the news this week.

Back to work legislation now the norm?

Here we go again. The federal government’s inconsistent choice of action or inaction ....

What was McGuinty thinking?

I suppose “Silver” Bob Rae must be breathing just a little easier this week.

Harper’s legislative steamroller predictable

It’s very difficult to stop an avalanche after it’s started.

Phone apps range from useful to plain weird

I don’t own a “smart phone” as such.

I do have a mobile phone, but I’d guess it operates at a grade six level

Mother Corp deserves our support

The Mother Corporation, the CBC, has been under fire lately.

Doggies do DNA no laughing matter

When you happen upon a shadowy reflection of your own community in the news columns of a major newspaper ....

$90,000 a day contract flabbergasting

Every now and again, governments come up with announced plans that simply leave (most) people feeling, well, simply quite flabbergasted.

$90,000 a day contract flabbergasting

Every now and again, governments come up with announced plans that simply leave (most) people feeling, well, simply quite flabbergasted.

Just what is NDP’s vision for the Northwest?

Is there a prospect of a future leader of the Opposition representing Northern BC?

Vancouver made into laughing stock

it’s almost impossible for even a week to go by without some new demonstration of the serious level of confusion and arrogance represented by the premier and cabinet of the B.C. Liberal Party.

Plagued by corporate rope-a-dope

I’m wearily climbing back on my tiring high horse about corporate customer service, well-known corporations which talk a great game about the quality of their customer service and customer loyalty but which, in reality, fail to deliver – and take their cue from Muhammad Ali and the “rope-a-dope” trick

Layton outpouring a sign of the times

I don’t expect to ever fully understand human nature. I guess that it’s part of my relatively bland and hopefully tolerant personality.

Kitchen plan makes Allan hot

I had an “unknown caller” display on my phone, as a West Indian accented man asked me if I would be interested in participating in an “industrial development round table discussion” in Kitimat on August 17. He didn’t offer information on location or time, when asked.

BC Liberals are a desperate group

BC’s now notorious harmonized sales tax referendum shenanigans deserves a public enquiry.

New low set for Canadian justice

What a horror-show week in the first seven days of July.

CBC army of talking heads draws fire

Yesterday, June 6, the new majority Conservative government introduced its budget – albeit virtually the same one that provided the opposition parties with an opportunity to subject the country to another election which turned out to leave the opposition parties much worse off then they were at the time.