Alistair Taylor

Washington State trio’s fisheries violations the worst veteran officer has seen in 20 years

Judge bans three men from fishing or holding a fishing licence anywhere in Canada

Leftover vaccines go into arms, not down the drain: Island Health

No unused COVID-19 vaccines are going to waste at the end of the day at the vaccination clinic in Campbell River, according to Dr. Michael Benusic the physician lead for mass immunization planning for Island Health.

British Columbians in for a big adjustment with Aboriginal title settlement, lawyer says

British Columbians are in for a big shock when ownership of large parts of the province switches from the Crown to First Nations, says Aboriginal rights and title lawyer Jack Woodward.

Campbell River RCMP investigate apparent episode of vigilante justice

A suspected episode of vigilante justice sent one man to hospital with serious, but non-life-threatening injuries, Campbell River RCMP say

Campbell River RCMP Street Crimes Unit seizes drugs, cash, and weapons

Campbell River Street Crimes Unit arrested a 37-year-old Campbell River man for drug related offences on March 12.

‘Battle’ of Miller Creek leaves paint ball mess strewn all over recreation site

A popular provincial recreation site and campground has been consistently vandalized over the last few years and has prompted a request for people to treat recfeation sites with respect and be considerate of other users.

COVID-19 exposure reported at North Island College’s Campbell River campus

Exposure occurred between March 2 and March 3

Campbell River automobile dealership reports positive COVID test result

Campbell River automobile dealership Steve Marshall Ford has announced a temporary closure after being informed of a positive COVID test result from their staff.

Voting underway in Campbell River’s municipal byelection

You can cast your ballot today at the Sportsplex until 8 p.m.

With preliminary results in, Sean Smyth gets most votes in Campbell River byelection

More than doubles second place holder Ken Blackburn

Campbell River RCMP respond to shots fired at rural property

A family dispute resulted in gunfire on a rural property West of Campbell River on Sunday, Feb. 21. with one of the parties firing shots at a departing vehicle

Police case count falls during cold spell – much like some officers

'Torrid pace' of Campbell River criminal activity eases off

RCMP to crack down on “California stops” – failing to stop at a stop sign

Drivers in the South MacPhedran area can expect a RCMP crackdown on failing to stop at a stop sign.

Mountie suffers carbon monoxide poisoning in rescue attempt

Recovering after helping remove person from exhaust-filled garage

OUT ON A LIMB: The long and winding road to a song

Taking a break from wanna-be dictators, pandemics and social media squabbling, I want to talk about a song.

Last year was Campbell River RCMP’s busiest in a decade; 2021 starting off even busier

Mental health files are among the categories on the rise, demanding RCMP resources

VIDEO: Driver that crashed into Campbell River business had five times legal blood alcohol limit

A man with a blood alcohol content five times the legal limit who crashed into the Adam's Tarp and Tool Jan. 9 is facing potential criminal charges.

Women camped in front of Campbell River library punched and robbed

Police investigation results in arrest of male of no fixed address