Andrew Twiddy

Easter as a murder mystery

Do you like murder mysteries? You know, the great tradition that includes such worthies as Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and P.D. James.

God is for us with us and in us

The great story of Christmas is ever new, always outlasting the twelve days annually allotted to the season

A mother hen and a mother bear

Compassion is neither soft nor cold. It is always both warm and embracing

Building compassion in District 69

Investing in a social form of capital starts with acts of kindness

A call to compassion in District 69

A wave of compassion is rolling up onto Parksville's shore

Clouds keep us from hearing the message

Our plentiful grayness obscures the messages in the sky

The power of hymns to change the world

The gap is widening in the world between the rich and the poor

Enlightenment through doubt

Pastor's Point