Andy Erickson

Insurance can pay

Andy Erickson is the division director with Investors Group, Vernon

GUEST COLUMN: Insurance needs evolve

From love and affection to financial security, your family depends on you for many things.

GUEST COLUMN: Information overload

There are so many online information sources available to us, but are they the best places to get the best advice

GUEST COLUMN: Avoid the wedding blues

Financial planning strategies for brides and grooms as they plan their wedding day.

Erickson: Looking beyond mortgage rates

There are more things to consider than just a low mortgage rate.

GUEST COLUMN: Retirement and RESPs

Helping older parents cope with retirement and childrens' post-secondary costs.

GUEST COLUMN: Prenup dollars and sense

Columnist provides some tips about finances for newlyweds

Going old school

Developing a retirement plan for those returning to the classroom.

GUEST COLUMN: Pre-authorized contributions pay off

The RRSP contributions deadline is coming up fast but it can be difficult to come up with the necessary funds

Be a money mentor

Tips for getting children into a dollars-and-sense frame of mind at a young age.

Eliminate your debt

Columnist Andy Erickson provides some information on tackling debt load

GUEST COLUMN: Consider old age security

There are some details about Canada's pension program you should be aware of

Reclaim debt control

How debt consolidation can help manage your money, your time and your debt.

In it for the long haul

Tips for retirement planning in a world where life expectancy is on the rise.

Avoiding upsets

Andy Erickson discusses practical ways to find the extra money you need to cushion those unavoidable financial upsets.

GUEST COLUMN: Having the talk with your parents

Grown children should speak to their aging parents about their finances

Smart sharing

Andy Erickson discusses the tax implications of making financial donations.

The cottage conundrum

Andy Erickson talks tax on second dwellings.

Find your hidden cash

Day-to-day living is costly. Gas, groceries, home expenses, the kids, taxes, a workday coffee or lunch – it all costs and it all adds up, making it very difficult to set aside money for investing.

RESP withdrawal guide

Andy Erickson offers advice on cashing in RESPs.