Barry Coulter

Kootenay credit unions call off proposed merger

Boards of directors cite prohibitive increasing costs involved with the Elevatus project

Truck leaves street, smashes into tree

An intersection near Gyro Park and 7th Avenue South was closed to traffic Wednesday afternoon

A tale of two Julys – 2021 and 1914

These are, we might say, febrile times. This summer so far has been intense, in a unique way, and no doubt we will look on it as historic.

Falcon’s vision is a “root and branch reboot” of BC Liberals

BC Liberal leadership candidate Kevin Falcon tours through East Kootenay

New gazebo opens at Cranbrook dog park

Mayor Lee Pratt and the Cranbrook Lions Club officially cut the ribbon for a new wooden gazebo at the Cranbrook Dog Park on Tuesday, June 29.

Cool things down with some Hugs & Slugs

Hugs: To the lady making and handing out the "sunchatchers of appreciation" for public help received during the pandemic. You are generous and thoughtful and 'You are appreciated by me'. Thank you for making my day brighter

Discarded fishing line at Idlewild Lake harms geese

Family urges fishers to be aware of their impact on wildlife after finding a young goose tangled in line and injured

Ktunaxa, St. Eugene thank allies for solidarity

Since the announcement on May 27 that ground-penetrating radar had confirmed the remains of 215 children at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, many non-Indigenous allies have expressed a desire to learn more about these institutions. They want to know how to support efforts towards truth and accountability in regards to the impacts residential school institutions have had on Indigenous individuals, families and communities.

The Fascists Really Are Coming (in the US)

The changing demography of the U.S. means that the Republicans will lose almost every election in the future if they don't seize power now.

Why we’re using “Groundhog Day” incorrectly as a metaphor

"Groundhog Day:" Not just for February 2, but every day

The auto and the bike: A paean to them both

One becomes an extension of one's self. The other offers the sensation of flight.

Cranbrook Aquatic Center to close temporarily

The annual shutdown of the Aquatic Center at Western Financial Place will begin earlier than scheduled this year and does not have a defined end date at this time.

Latest survey shows steady decline in adolescent substance use over the years

Starting in 2002, the survey has been conducted every two years to monitor changes in substance use patterns, attitudes and behaviors amongst East Kootenay youth.

“Gift card scam,” and “grandparent scam” are on the rise, Cranbrook RCMP say

Folks are falling for these scams: "No Government agency or reputable company will ever ask anyone to pay with gift cards in lieu of their fines"

BCHL, Cranbrook Bucks will begin regular season Oct. 8

It's one of the sure signs of the arrival of autumn — hockey begins in Cranbrook — though it will arrive about a month later than normally.

Cranbrook to add new four-way stops to the great family of four-way stops

Two new stops, both on Third Avenue South, will enhance safety and give motorists more opportunity to exercise courtesy

The long, agonizing end of a Cranbrook heritage building

The City of Cranbrook's order to complete the demolition of structures, such as they are, and clean-up of the former Tudor House is the final chapter in the long life and long death of one of Cranbrook's great heritage buildings.

A batch of Hugs and Slugs to welcome June

Slugs to the commuters, especially the pickup trucks, taking 13th Ave S as a detour yesterday morning (due to 14th Ave S closure), and using it as a speedway - to make up for the extra 30 seconds or so added to your drive time? This is a residential neighbourhood, lots of small children, seniors and pets — slow down!

MLA writes of “terrible and tragic discovery” at former residential school

Flags at half-mast after remains of 215 children discovered near Kamloops

Saturday marks 11th anniversary of MacFarlane-Taylor murders

Couple were killed near Cranbrook in a case of mistaken identity; murder trial underway in Vancouver