Betsy Kline

Castlegar on track to set annual record for fire calls

Castlegar Fire Department responding to more fire calls in 2021

Guidelines introduced for emergency housing projects in Castlegar

Temporary use permits will be required before projects can begin or expand

Castlegar Gentlemen’s Hockey League restarts with a new president

Former Selkirk Saints and Castlegar Rebels coach Brent Heaven to head the league

Castlegar COVID-19 cases drop

For the first time in months, new cases drop to single digits in Castlegar

Area restrictions lifting on Arrow Lakes wildfires

Smoke may still be visible for weeks to come at Michaud Creek and Octopus Creek wildfires

Castlegar sports field weed treatment to take place this week

The city will be using an iron-based herbicide

Castlegar council makes housing, cemetery and grant decisions

Castlegar City Council took on community grants, development permits and bylaw amendments at its Sept. 7 meeting.

Kayaker saves man found in Columbia River under medical distress

The incident happened near Castlegar

Castlegar introduces permitting process for emergency and transitional housing facilities

Each proposal will now be subject to evaluation

Castlegar sees new COVID case numbers increase again

There were 27 new cases reported in the Castlegar local health area between Sept. 5 and Sept. 11

Kayaker saves man found in Columbia River under medical distress

The incident happened near Castlegar

Castlegar dining: a look at in-person, takeout options as vaccine requirements begin

Most Castlegar restaurants will continue with in-person dining

Castlegar detox centre sees uptick in alcohol-related visits during pandemic

Axis House Withdrawal Management services are available to anyone in the Kootenay-Boundary region

Castlegar woman arrested after bear-spray incident

Incident happened in downtown Trail

UPDATE: Police say drugs and alcohol involved in fatal Labour Day collision near Paulson Summit

The incident occurred on Highway 3 between Castlegar and Christina Lake

West Kootenay wildfires not expected to spread further

Octopus Creek is the only fire of note in the region

August brings almost 3 times the average rainfall to West Kootenay, but moisture deficit still remains

After a six-month dry spell, rain finally came in August

Castlegar restaurant owners making big changes to improve work-life balance

Major renovations and new business model underway

Kootenay teacher’s union questioning relaxed COVID protocols as school is set to begin

Kootenay Columbia Teachers' Union wants to see last year's rules back in place

Castlegar chamber hears mixed opinions on vaccine passport from local businesses

Businesses concerned about the impacts of implementing the new vaccine policy