Bob Simpson

PCT — your tax money at work?

Originally, I thought the idea of carbon neutrality was reasonable and that positioning B.C. on the forefront of ‘carbon offsetting’ via the Pacific Carbon Trust was a proactive approach to this emerging economic opportunity.

The on again/off again B.C. election

B.C. has been in election mode for too long. Since the introduction of the HST after the 2009 election, both political parties have simply been posturing toward the next election and little governance has taken place.

Austerity measures in our future?

It’s hard to watch the images of the rioting in Greece and not feel like I’m watching a rerun of the Canucks riot in Vancouver; the images of riot-gear-clad police fighting against mostly young people involved in damaging public and private property are eerily similar.

One more right eroded

Many of the progressive policies and rights we enjoy have come from hard-won public protests; battles that were won only through personal sacrifice by our predecessors, often involving bloodshed, sometimes even death.

The HST debacle continues

During the legislative session I raised the possibility that the HST referendum would be interrupted by a mail strike that could create the possibility of a legal challenge to the referendum outcome on the grounds that Elections BC could not guarantee every British Columbian received a ballot in a timely manner and that all marked ballots were received by Elections BC in time to be counted.

Legislators, regulators and validators

I had a fascinating exchange with the CEO of the Pacific Carbon Trust…

Legislators, regulators and validators

I had a fascinating exchange with the CEO of the Pacific Carbon Trust (PCT) last week. I’m troubled by the structure of the PCT and some of the projects it has approved for “carbon offsets.”

Crisis management

How can government more proactively respond to the vagaries of nature?

STV system debate reignited

The recent federal election has once again reignited debate about the need to reform our voting system and a National Day of Action for Electoral Reform has been called for May 14

Legislation needs advice and consent

The introductory statement on every piece of legislation presented in the legislature…

Advice and consent

The introductory statement on every piece of legislation presented in the legislature reads: “Her Majesty, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows” (emphasis mine).

Current tax and revenue regime needed

The B.C. Liberal government should expand the current Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)…

Where’s our money? Spend some Fed dollars on community projects

I attended the town hall on the status of Quesnel’s multi-centre project this…

Where’s our money?

I attended the town hall on the status of Quesnel’s multi-centre project this week and listened to MP Dick Harris make a comment that got my Scottish dander up.

Does B.C. Still have a climate change agenda?

There’s a certain irony that the NDP leadership candidates have committed to…

Does B.C. still have a climate-change agenda?

There’s a certain irony that the NDP leadership candidates have committed to continue with B.C.’s carbon tax, while it’s uncertain what the new premier is going to do with the tax.

Is a personal attack OK if it’s funny?

The B.C. NDP hit a home run with its Christy Crunch political attack ad.

Is it OK if it’s funny?

The BCNDP hit a home run with its Christy Crunch political attack…

Politicizing the budgeting process

When the federal election was called last week, British Columbians were put…