Brian Minter

Cool cukes are warm-weather plants

Cool cukes are warm-weather plants

Cucumbers are fun, fast and easy to grow as long as we get a little cooperation from the weather.

Cool cukes are warm-weather plants
Red Obelisk

Vertical solutions to tight spaces

Smaller spaces, both for living and gardening, are today’s reality.  Unfortunately many…

Red Obelisk
There are some interesting new roses out that are very disease resistant.

Spring roses now bursting with buds

Roses are now bursting out with buds already showing and even some…

There are some interesting new roses out that are very disease resistant.
Flowering trees that attract birds or butterflies to the yard are wonderful, says Brian Minter.

Make Mother’s Day extra special

Mother’s Day is almost here, and many of us are still looking for some inspiration. Well, let me make a few suggestions.

Flowering trees that attract birds or butterflies to the yard are wonderful, says Brian Minter.
Wisteria can brighten up a wall or fence quickly and looks tidy.

Vines help solve landscape problems

Looking for a simple but fast cover-up to screen an old fence…

Wisteria can brighten up a wall or fence quickly and looks tidy.
Wisteria can provide the perfect cover.

Beautiful fencing with vines

Looking for a simple but fast cover-up to screen an old fence or wall, an unsightly building or a nosy neighbour? Why not make good use of some interesting and attractive vines.

Wisteria can provide the perfect cover.
Blueberries proving to be a very healthy option.

The Blueberry way to good health

Fruit proving to be one of the healthiest food options

Blueberries proving to be a very healthy option.
Garden peas are one of the most widely grown and most healthy of all garden vegetables. They are rich in nutrients, containing phosphorus, potassium and vitamins A, B and C.

Roots for the lowly pea run deep

We take many things for granted today, often not fully appreciating the…

Garden peas are one of the most widely grown and most healthy of all garden vegetables. They are rich in nutrients, containing phosphorus, potassium and vitamins A, B and C.
Despite of all you’ve heard about pollination, blueberries are technically self-fertile.

Nothing like a cup of blueberries

If you love blueberries for their wonderful flavour, eat lots and keep…

Despite of all you’ve heard about pollination, blueberries are technically self-fertile.

How to minimize moss

Moss… moss… and more moss! It is in lawns everywhere this year, spreading vigorously and choking out those poor lawn grasses. In spite of all the lime and moss control applied, it seems to get worse.

Grow a gourmet crop

Grow a gourmet crop

Asparagus will be productive for at least 15 years.

Grow a gourmet crop
Gardening  Brian Minter

Plant strawberries now for June garden

It’s difficult to imagine a June garden without the mouth-watering flavour of…

Gardening  Brian Minter
Plan now for strawberries.

Time to think strawberries

It’s hard to imagine a June garden without the mouth-watering flavour of…

Plan now for strawberries.

Weathering a late winter cold spell

The last thing gardeners on the West Coast need now is a…

A little work now will mean fresh asparagus for years to come.

Investing in asparagus

Asparagus is one of our oldest perennial vegetables. The generic word is…

A little work now will mean fresh asparagus for years to come.

Flowers not just for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.If you really want to make…

Flowers for Valentine's Day.

Flowers from the heart

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. If you really want to…

Flowers for Valentine's Day.
Flowers can brighten up the season

Flowers can brighten up the season

Winter shrubs bring beauty to the garden.

Flowers can brighten up the season