Cecile Favron

The famous Rosswood 'Peeing Tree' is well know to locals for its great tasting spring water

Exploring Rosswood

Born and raised Rosswoodian Cecile Favron lists various attractions and oddities in this fascinating area north of Terrace

The famous Rosswood 'Peeing Tree' is well know to locals for its great tasting spring water
Bear Creek Contracting agrees that this sign warning about the construction that has shut down Walsh Ave does not acknowledge female employees.

Contractor admits ‘Men Working’ sign discriminates

The contractor hired by the city to rebuild the 4700 block of Walsh Ave. agrees that the signs discriminate against female employees.

Bear Creek Contracting agrees that this sign warning about the construction that has shut down Walsh Ave does not acknowledge female employees.

Fewer seniors going to local care homes in Terrace

Initiative by Northern Health to provide home care for seniors means it's now easier for others to get into long term care homes

A small fire was sparked on Hwy 113 when a tree fell on the power line at Lean-to Creek. Fire crews and BC Hydro responded and put out the fire.

Power lines spark second fire

A grassfire was ignited by a tree falling on hydro lines at Lean-to Creek north of Terrace yesterday.

A small fire was sparked on Hwy 113 when a tree fell on the power line at Lean-to Creek. Fire crews and BC Hydro responded and put out the fire.

Campfire ban extended to Ferry Island

A campfire and open-burning ban is now in place for the entire province including the Terrace area and its popular Ferry Island campground.

Testing is available for backyard chicken farmers concerned about salmonella after recent scare in Northwest.

Salmonella outbreak worries locals

Northwest Health Authority was warned that infected chicks from Alberta might have been sold to Terrace farmers

Testing is available for backyard chicken farmers concerned about salmonella after recent scare in Northwest.
Longtime employee Madeline Ratcliff hands out a box of baked goods to a customer during the Cookie Jar Bakery’s last day June 27

Final chapter written with bakery closure

The Cookie Jar Bakery has been in town for some time, and its closure means less pastry for Terrace residents

Longtime employee Madeline Ratcliff hands out a box of baked goods to a customer during the Cookie Jar Bakery’s last day June 27

Campfires banned in northwestern B.C.

There's also a fire ban in Terrace but it doesn't include campfires on Ferry Island

Terrace housing development worries residents

Council delays rezoning decision after hearing of traffic, erosion concerns

EXECUTIVE director Tony Roy from the B.C. Non-Profit Housing Association, left, speaks with Terrace city councillor Brian Downie at an affordable housing conference held June 18 in Terrace.

Affordable housing needed in northwestern B.C.

Conference in Terrace highlights critical need for construction

EXECUTIVE director Tony Roy from the B.C. Non-Profit Housing Association, left, speaks with Terrace city councillor Brian Downie at an affordable housing conference held June 18 in Terrace.

Dry spring spells fires in north

There were three small human-caused fires in the Terrace area last week

NOELLE Bulleid posts a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper June 11, asking him to improve the lives of aboriginal children.

Terrace residents ask for aboriginal equality

Letters to Prime Minister urge him to improve services for aboriginal children

NOELLE Bulleid posts a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper June 11, asking him to improve the lives of aboriginal children.