Charlie Hodge

Life’s about change—it’s your choice on how to handle it

The changes are not a case of better or worse, they are simply change. Something different. Something new.

Hodge: Americans remain unmoved by tragic shooting

The callous truth is that despite the public outcry and the political posturing, absolutely nothing will change.

Hodge: Bombarded by negativity in social media world

Ragging on or publicizing someone’s angry vileness hardly serves any valid purpose other than to perpetuate the problem.

Hodge: Some (tongue-in-cheek) advice for tourists

Here are a few local quirks you should be aware of, followed with a list of my favourite places to go, see, do, or eat.

Hodge: A minnow on the water? Not when you help the mighty

After exchanging high fives and all of us giggling at the irony and absurdity of the situation, we pushed off…and drifted away…

Hodge: Raft Of The Medusa wins over local audiences

Creators Pat Brown and Randall Robinson have every reason to be ecstatic with pride.

Hodge: Doing our part to control destructive wrath of forest fires

It takes a tremendous sense of focus, determination, toughness and competition to be a forest fire rap attacker.

Hodge: Fixed cat maintains prickly attitude

…the little red rivulets of blood were already forming on my forearm and fingers before she even withdrew her paw…

Hodge: ‘Go Leafs Go’ chorus may find old members next season

There is something comforting about Canada’s iconic hockey franchise making such a significant move on the nation’s birthday.

Hodge: Recognition for residential school survivors

To this day, the cruel, barbaric and racist disregard for others continues to have its impact.

Hodge: Lessons from our fathers catch up to us in time

One article, however, fully snagged my attention. It was dad’s official 1969 candidate statement in the Capital News.

Hodge: Babcock savior for the Leafs? That remains to be seen

I have a sneaking hunch despite his huge contract, Kessel is taking a jet plane somewhere soon.

Hodge: Rita Milne a community leader who will be missed

Rita was not only a good friend to me, she was also a tremendous friend to the city of Kelowna.

Hodge: Driving around our province is a spellbinding experience

Last week I survived a one-day return trek to Vancouver while today I pen my column from inside a gorgeous, fairy-tale-like mansion…

Hodge: Fun times when papers played April Fools pranks

Don’t look now, but here comes Wednesday, when delivering the proverbial leg-pull is better fun than receiving one.

Hodge: Shepherd’s Pie cooking duel for Habitat for Humanity

The culinary competition is just one example of the fun funding frivolity planned for March 26 in Peachland.

Hodge: It’s downright tough being a Leafs fan

Despite my last 47 years of denial and rejection of the team…I must admit to having never completely given up on them.

Hodge: Lessons learned while ‘incarcerated‘ at KGH

Lives are at serious risk not because of the quality of health care…but by the absurdly short supply of help they get.

Hodge: Team bungled handling of jerseys tossed on ice

The sweater tossing incidents were not connected other than by a shared displeasure at the Maple Leafs’ on-ice performance.

Hodge: A few more angels to acknowledge

Christmas is a great time to celebrate our many ‘angels.’