Claire Paradis

The new Nakusp Hot Springs foot bridge is a great spot to spend some cool time in the shade.

Nakusp Hot Springs foot bridge opens earlier than expected

The long-awaited new bridge is open earlier than planned, and it's a beauty.

The new Nakusp Hot Springs foot bridge is a great spot to spend some cool time in the shade.
Sam Zerrath, Isaiah Bell, Dylan Baiko and Cailan McQuair have a blast on the last day of school with black powder long guns.

Black powder brings smelly end to school year

After the NSS year-end assembly, four of Dorian Boswell’s Outdoor Ed. students headed to try their hand at black powder shooting.

Sam Zerrath, Isaiah Bell, Dylan Baiko and Cailan McQuair have a blast on the last day of school with black powder long guns.

Nakusp Council Notes for June 24: broadband and more

Nakusp Council Notes for June 24: broadband and more

Terry Taylor has been appointed as the new Superintendent in SD 10.

Lack of details around School District appointment prompts questions

Terry Taylor took on the role as Acting Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer while continuing to be District Principal of Learning.

Terry Taylor has been appointed as the new Superintendent in SD 10.

Nakusp council notes for June 10 meeting

Transit, arena, and renting Village property were all on the agenda June 10.

Jerry Botti stands next to the extra vines that will be carted to the Burton Farmers’ Market.

Arrow Lakes Grape Growers plotting future

Just over three years ago, the ALGGS started the process that has gotten the vines into the ground.

Jerry Botti stands next to the extra vines that will be carted to the Burton Farmers’ Market.

Brash cougar lurking around Brouse

A Brouse area resident called his neighbours on Monday night to warn them to be cautious and keep an eye on their animals and children.

Doug and Phoebe show how the Peppermint Twist is done at a recent Gymkhana in Burton.

Burton Gymkhana a show of skill and speed

Beautiful Burton was the site of the third Arrow Lakes Saddle Club Gymkhana.

Doug and Phoebe show how the Peppermint Twist is done at a recent Gymkhana in Burton.
Grizzly cubs Blair and Terry will be returned to the Nakusp area after spending some time at the Northern Lights Wildlife rehabilitation facility for bears in Smithers.

Grizzly orphans return home after trip to Smithers rehab

Two grizzly cubs orphaned after a Nakusp-area farmer shot their mother have been returned to the wild after a rehab centre stay.

Grizzly cubs Blair and Terry will be returned to the Nakusp area after spending some time at the Northern Lights Wildlife rehabilitation facility for bears in Smithers.
At Joel Henschke’s farm, Trisha Shanks displays some of the leafy goodness headed for the Organic Vegi Box.

Organic Vegi Box brings local, healthy food to your table

After a year off, the Organic Vegi Box is back, thanks to Trisha Shanks who is taking on the project after Gillian Redwood’s efforts.

At Joel Henschke’s farm, Trisha Shanks displays some of the leafy goodness headed for the Organic Vegi Box.
Petroglyphs across Kootenay Lake are a great destination for kayakers.

Kaslo a great kayak adventure destination

Our Kaslo kayak was a brief getaway from the hustle and bustle of regular life in Nakusp, an easy mini-vacation.

Petroglyphs across Kootenay Lake are a great destination for kayakers.
The Fauq singers brought a blend of Fauq classics to the Community Concert in Nakusp

Community Concert packed with variety, fun and lots and lots of people

On Sunday, April 28, the Arrow Lakes Arts Council Community Artists’ Concert was presented at the Bonnington.

The Fauq singers brought a blend of Fauq classics to the Community Concert in Nakusp
Two Hawk aircraft from 419 Squadron Cold Lake, like this one pictured here, flew over the Upper Arrow Lake March 28, 2013 as part of a training exercise.

Training Hawks cause a stir in Upper Arrow Lake

Just after noon on Sunday, March 28, two fighter jets were seen flying north.

Two Hawk aircraft from 419 Squadron Cold Lake, like this one pictured here, flew over the Upper Arrow Lake March 28, 2013 as part of a training exercise.

Local Nakusp man takes RCMP on cross country chase around town

Nakusp RCMP were involved in a short car chase that turned into a longer foot pursuit on Thursday, April 18

Ktunaxa treaty including Wensley Bench land contentious for some

A 242-hectare section twice as long as Box Lake running parallel to the highway is now Ktunaxa land, as of March 27.

Nakusp council notes: budget proposal and more

Nakusp council convened on April 8 for the presentation of the financial plan as well as regular council business.

Arrow Lakes enrolment faces largest drop in province

School enrolment in the Arrow Lakes school district is on the decline, with a 7.3 percentage reduction forecast.

Community Initiatives votes counted

The Community Initiatives votes were counted, and here are the local projects you will see come to fruition thanks to it.

Jesse Peters takes a break from the keys to tell some stories from the road to the Nakusp crowd.

Jesse Peters trio jazzes up Nakusp night

Last time Jesse Peters was in town was ten years ago, but if you’re lucky you won’t have to wait another decade to see him again.

Jesse Peters takes a break from the keys to tell some stories from the road to the Nakusp crowd.
A grass fire on Brouse Loop Road spread into neighbouring brush and trees on Easter Monday.

Fires get out of control on Easter long weekend

Two sets of sirens wailed in response to fires outside of the Village of Nakusp on Easter Monday.

A grass fire on Brouse Loop Road spread into neighbouring brush and trees on Easter Monday.