Claudette Sandecki

She knows her limitations in the kitchen

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki talks about what she does in the kitchen

When in doubt, use a Sharpie

In our family, being on time and keeping promises are taken for granted.

Wriggling out from under fashion police

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki talks tightening garments, then and now

Newsprint not just firestarter

This week, our columnist Claudette Sandecki takes us through her collection of old newspapers and magazines

Students benefit from exchanges

The student exchange season is in full bloom when high school students wing off to another province or country.

Call it one of the flax of life

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki puts her money where her mouth is

In the end, it’s about fish conservation

Provincial regulations require a law degree to understand

Puzzled by teenage boys on our streets

How many teenage boys in Terrace are homeless? Kermode Friendship Society is asking

Baby name campaign exposed as hoax

Why do parents give their babies such strange names?

Be wary of sharing information online

Terrace, B.C. writer doesn't even do online banking

Here’s what to do if your dog is lost

Be logical about your search and there's no need to panic

Doing the math does pay off

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki talks about... money.

All she wanted was $25

Giving money to panhandlers doesn't solve anything

She loves access to publications

But still appreciates the real thing in her mailbox

English use has her shooken up

Bad use of English displays flaws in education system

Hunger striker a publicity seeker

Chief Theresa Spence's Bill C-45 opposition just one big photo op

Preparation is key to survival

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki takes a tough stance on people who go out into the wilderness unprepared

It’s all about that motto – be prepared

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki reminds us that it is important to be prepared

And where were you when ….?

October 27 was one of those “Where were you when ...?” dates we will talk about for years

You’re kidding. Cardboard bicycles?

We’ve gone overboard recycling when we begin manufacturing two-wheel bicycles out of cardboard