Claudette Sandecki

Save us from cranky senior citizens

This week, our columnist Claudette Sandecki tackles seniors' eternal kvetching

This will literally blow you away

LAST YEAR, local taxpayers in Squamish dished out approximately $87,000 to clean up illegally dumped trash.

Fifteen years on, the questions remain

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki is reminded of the 1997 Kitimat triple homicide

Man’s best friend suffers in the end

For a dog to be good, it needs a good owner as well

Eight lessons for painting your homestead

Our columnist Claudette Sandecki gives tips she learned when painting her kitchen

New driving law disregards tradition

This week, our columnist Claudette Sandecki talks about Alberta's distracted driving law

Never be without a roll of duct tape

This week our columnist Claudette Sandecki tackles painting her kitchen

Train whistle woes

How many CN freight trains thunder past at night since Prince Rupert’s Fairview terminal shortened the distance to Asian markets?

Happy feet make for a happy life

This week, our weekly columnist Claudette Sandecki talks toes

The right person is the key to success

Sometimes you need to keep trying to find the person who can help you

Mothers finally get their revenge

Sons are simply incapable of fending for themselves

Box socials were the way to go

Internet dating sites just don't cut the mustard, truth be told

She misses anonymous comments

Commenting via Facebook is more credible, but not as much fun

Spare the .45 and spoil the child

Her father says she can have another laptop when she gets a job, saves her money.

Sawmill explosion a lesson in rural care

Rural hospitals are necessary for immediate emergency care.

She’s celebrating her salad days

Complaining effectively takes know-how, time and persistence.

An old dog teaches owner a new trick

New Year’s is for making resolutions, not breaking them. But a storm New Year’s Day persuaded me to scrap one of my long-standing rules.

Enjoy yourself when others do the cooking

My extended family has included many fine cooks noted for their sumptuous holiday dinners.

Suddenly, his name came back to me

When our family historian asked me to put together a chronology of major events in my life, it seemed easy — at first.

Unlock the door and lie on the floor

More than one night I’ve lain awake wondering how an ambulance would reach me if I needed rescuing.