Colleen Crossley

COLUMN: A life-saving idea for employing tattoos

I worked in a hospital emergency department for several years and made an observation.

Column: The irony of a lie spirals downwards

A long time ago, there was a young, enthusiastic lady who had just landed her dream job.

Column: Too much of a good thing? Nope!

A short but sweet December memory of mine is a tale my mom told me about Christmas shopping with my then three-year old son.

But did you look everywhere?

I have a November memory that has stuck with me for many years.

Family traditions are the ties that bind us

Some family traditions carry on throughout our lives without us even realizing it.

Memories of quacking phone leads to humble pie with fortune cookies

Every so often a really good laugh just happens without regard for whether it makes any sense or not.

Column: The show must go on

“From two to 92” my mom would say when anyone asked the ages of the players in her musical group.

Stories teach enough lessons for a lifetime

Summer reminds me of car trips when I was a kid and that reminds me of all the stories my mom used to make up for us as we travelled.


I surprised my husband with a trip to ... he didn’t know where.

Dad teachers human nature through dental magic

My dad was an awesome dentist.
He had the softest brown eyes that could hypnotize and soothe as he worked.

Being a parent and really liking it

My son was a hero when he had his tonsils out and did my best to make it more interesting.

Keeping educated in the school of life

My recent travels to remote communities have brought such interesting experiences with animals, all sorts of animals.

A funny thing happened on the way to the store

I have a nurse friend who works much further North than most people will ever get in a lifetime.

Nursing in B.C.’s north unique

I have just completed two years of unique nursing in unique, remote B.C. environments.

Cued to hair-raising experiences

I did not know I had curly hair until I was in my 40s — not a word of a lie.

Things that go bump in the night

Columnist Colleen Crossley says October seems like a good month for them to be told.

More mom musings …

I told you some of my mom’s story last month – her impossible survival at birth –

More mom musings

I told you some of my mom’s story last month – her impossible survival at birth – and I had many interested comments ...

Christmas money to burn!

There are so many little Christmas stories I could tell, so many heartwarming experiences to share.

Learning from a master

My sister tells a wonderful story about my nephew who, as a toddler, was busy, smart and very resourceful –