David Suzuki

Blue Dot Tour: It’s about all of us

David Suzuki’s last national tour makes stop in Victoria

DAVID SUZUKI: Reflect on your Canada this July 1

Think about how the country you live in is changing

Pipeline approval flies in the face of democracy and global warming

Approval of Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline was expected, but flies in face of democracy and global warming, writes David Suzuki.

Mountain caribou picture on Highway 23 North between Revelstoke and the Mica Dam.

Wildlife win in court, lose on the ground

Recovery strategies are not the only slow-moving part of the species-at-risk process.

Mountain caribou picture on Highway 23 North between Revelstoke and the Mica Dam.

Don’t give up in the face of adversity

Throughout history, we’ve faced challenges and adapted to changing conditions.

Let’s celebrate the gifts of winter

We Canadians have a special relationship with snow and ice. We ski in it, skate on it, play in it, shovel it, drive through it...

We can make Canada’s reality match its image

Canada is blessed with some of the last vestiges of pristine nature on Earth – unbroken forests, coastlines and prairies.

Getting dirty may be healthy

For much of human history we lived close to the natural world. As civilization evolved we became increasingly urbanized.

DAVID SUZUKI: Getting dirty may be good for you

Early indications are that introducing some germs to one's environment may help boos immunities

Critical issues deserve higher standard

Much of the media spin is particularly absurd, relying on ad hominem attacks.

Help solve an orange-and-black mystery

What weighs less than a paperclip, tastes terrible and can travel thousands of kilometres without a map?

DAVID SUZUKI: Help solve an orange-and-black mystery

Monarch butterflies in serious danger of losing population momentum

DAVID SUZUKI: Despite Fukushima, eating fish is safe

Radioactivity measurement shows trace amounts, but strontium levels must be watched

Is geoengineering a silver bullet for climate change?

Many now argue the best way to protect humanity from the worst effects is to further alter Earth’s natural systems through geoengineering.

Suzuki: Is geoengineering a silver bullet for climate change?

Solar radiation management involves reflecting the sun's rays back into space. Carbon dioxide removal is aimed at removing and storing it.

DAVID SUZUKI: A silver bullet for climate change?

Geoengineering is one method for dealing with problem, but method is largely untested

Let’s get serious about cigarette litter – no ifs, ands or butts!

Obviously, the best way to reduce cigarette butt pollution is to step up efforts to prevent people from starting smoking.

Scientists work to solve mystery of dying bees

When a swarm of bees landed on a tree in their yard, a David Suzuki Foundation staffer and her husband became accidental beekeepers.

What’s the value of something we can’t live without?

More than 13 per cent of Canada’s GDP depends on healthy ecosystems, but is 13 per cent a reasonable estimate of the “value” of nature?

Rail, pipeline and climate disasters symptoms of fossil fuel addiction

Like smokers who put off quitting until their health starts to suffer, we’re learning what happens when bad habits catch up with us.