Dawn Carson

Practice Positive: It’s a shame

Practice Positive columnist Dawn Carson says there's a fine line between humour and bullying when it comes to sharing on social media.

Practice Positive: Forget New Year's resolutions – fill a jar of joy

Practice Positive: Forget New Year’s resolutions – fill a jar of joy

When taking stock of your year, it can be easier to recall tough times. Try keeping track of the good things that happen in your year.

Practice Positive: Forget New Year's resolutions – fill a jar of joy
Practice Positive: In the eye of the beholder

Practice Positive: In the eye of the beholder

When someone pushes your buttons, it helps to change your own perspective, says Cloverdale Reporter columnist Dawn Carson.

Practice Positive: In the eye of the beholder
Practice Positive: Feeling lonely? Maybe you need to put down the phone

Practice Positive: Summer in the City

Why flee to some other hot spot when there’s so much to do at home, writes Reporter columnist Dawn Carson.

Practice Positive: Feeling lonely? Maybe you need to put down the phone
Practice Positive: Flip the switch

Practice Positive: Flip the switch

A bad day doesn't have to stay that way, writes Cloverdale Reporter columnist Dawn Carson.

Practice Positive: Flip the switch
Columnist Dawn Carson

Feeling blue? It’s not just you

Columnist Dawn Carson explores ways to cheer up during the dark and cloudy winter months

Columnist Dawn Carson