Indian Hacker

Decision May 14, 2013 Donna Barnett

Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Donna Barnett answers Free Press questions

Decision May 14, 2013 Gary Young

Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Gary Young answers Free Press questions

Fish report

Find out what to use for fishing and where to use it

RCMP blotter

100 Mile House RCMP: a busy week for traffic-related offences

A little bird told me

A little bird told me

Creeks in the Cariboo have undergone a lot of changes brought about by humans and their activities

A little bird told me

Celebrate Earth Day

April is the month to acknowledge how our small tasks of recycling, reducing and re-using benefits our surroundings

RCMP blotter

Excessive speeder has car impounded for seven days

RCMP Blotter

100 Mile House RCMP dealing with drinking, speeding drivers

Police blotter

100 Mile House RCMP members deal with drinking and speeding drivers

100 Mile House RCMP seeking input on detachment priorities

100 Mile House RCMP responded to 44 complaints and calls for service during the past week

Promises, promises, promises

Deceitful promises do, indeed, suck the joy out of life and the B.C. Liberals have demonstrated this fact many times

More jurors allowed in lengthy trials

For the first time in British Columbia courtroom history, 14 jurors were sworn in for a lengthy trial

BC budget fails women and children in 100 Mile House

The budget has been released, and there are no increases provided for critical services that respond to violence against women and children

Health funding announced for the Cariboo

Cariboo area patients with chronic disease and those with mental illness and substance use issues will benefit from new programming

Cariboo Regional District chair Al Richmond was presented with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on Feb. 28 by Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom on behalf of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

Al Richmond awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal

In honour of the contributions he has made to the Cariboo-Chilcotin, Al Richmond was presented with a Diamond Jubilee Medal

Cariboo Regional District chair Al Richmond was presented with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on Feb. 28 by Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom on behalf of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

100 Mile House RCMP dealing with motor-vehicle operators problems

100 Mile House RCMP responded to 54 complaints and calls for service during the past week

100 Mile House RCMP blotter

No charges laid by RCMP in snowmobile trailer/truck incident

Tom Nickel looked on and gave advice to Cpl. Richard Duncan of the BC Dragoons, as he tried to keep a tiny flame going that he made with a flint and steel. This was one of the components Nickel led during a recent survival training session in Haida Gwaii.

100 Mile House Canadian Ranger teaches survival skills

A 100 Mile House resident spent the last week of January teaching survival skills to members of the Canadian Forces in Haida Gwaii

Tom Nickel looked on and gave advice to Cpl. Richard Duncan of the BC Dragoons, as he tried to keep a tiny flame going that he made with a flint and steel. This was one of the components Nickel led during a recent survival training session in Haida Gwaii.

RCMP blotter

Vehicles stolen from 100 Mile recovered in Prince George

B.C. earns an A on red tape report card

Minister announces joint review of top 5 priorities