Diana French

Column: Learning to say no

The British Columbians who are criticized for saying “no to everything” have good company.

Column: Ali a champ outside the ring

Last year the provincial government ordered school districts to cut administrative expenses by $54 million.

Column: Keep voter equity in mind

School District 27 trustees are taking a look at their electoral boundaries.

Column: Elbowgate diverts attention

Oops. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slipped off his pedestal last week. He forgot the hugs.

Column: Doubling up on duties

This is Local Government Awareness Week, a time designated by the province to recognize the work done on our behalf.

Column: Better safe than sorry

People who fear human activities can have negative impacts on the environment are often called fearmongers.

Column: Tied hands

Stories that didn’t make the headlines this past week.

Column: Anyone’s guess

We are moving into uncharted territory with frightening speed - Michel Jarraud, secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization.

Columns: What is enough?

Media pundits aren’t talking much about a recent study suggesting that a mind boggling $21 trillion in assets have been lost.

Columns: Money talks

A public meeting tomorrow night (Gibraltar Room, 7 p.m.) will discuss Atlantic Power’s proposal to burn railway ties at the local plant.

Columns: Going for broke

Figure skating is my favourite sport to watch on TV but one trend I don’t care for.

Column: Many questions still need answers

This community currently faces a number of issues.

COLUMN: More to discuss than U.S. election

The never-ending U.S. pre-election “news” in the Canadian mainstream media is giving me the pip.

COLUMN: What’s wrong with the image?

When my grandchildren were small, I made a deal with some of them that when I was old, they would take me around and about in a wheelbarrow.

COLUMN: All in it together

There is so much yapping about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau not keeping his promises, blah blah blah.

COLUMN: Ripples in time

It took 100 years, but physicists announced last week they’ve observed “ripples in the fabric of space time.

COLUMN: Let’s find a way to make it work

Some Williams Lakers, including local politicians, see no problem with Atlantic Power’s proposal to burn railroad ties.

COLUMN: How to divvy up the land?

In an opinion piece in the Province, Gavin Dirom says his industry needs better access to land.

COLUMNS: Literacy is power

he need to communicate in some way other than face to face goes back thousands of years.

COLUMNS: Less for more

Some of us are old enough to remember when W.A.C. Bennett ruled the roost in B.C.