Don Kendall

Utility rates a shock to the system

Since 2007, BC Hydro and Fortis have become the blunt instruments of public policy

Taxpayers burned by carbon trust

Government's friends in big business and big green grow rich while schools and hospitals make do

The politics behind hospital expansions

Decisions about investments of the scale of an expanded PRH are not made on the basis of demand and return on investment

Court decision a blow to free speech

Supreme Court rules that if someone fears harm, no proof of harm is required to bring about the full force of the law

B.C. can’t afford Liberal budget

Budget identifies $1.1 billion in waste and government finds new places to waste it

Green initiatives a waste of energy

Neither provincial party is, or should be particularly concerned about the climate. There is too much money at stake

B.C. needs to look at own fiscal issues

B.C. residents wrong to think we have less to worry about regarding our financial situation compared to U.S.

Municipalities neglect basic services

Over the past three decades, municipalities in B.C. have generally misspent property taxes, on non-essential programs and services

Penticton’s Ironman challenge

Thirty years is a long time for an annual event to survive. Ironman Canada did more than survive in Penticton; it prospered

Clark is constitutionally challenged

B.C. premier's handling of the Northern Gateway pipeline shows her inexperience

Alternative energy hits fiscal reality

B.C. government realizing that move to alternative energy carries a high cost, financially and politically

History reshapes Canadian identity

The prevailing and distorted view of our history is one that suggests Canada’s founders celebrated social democracy and collectivist notions

Constitution no cause for celebration

The defining legacy of prime minister Trudeau has stripped away many of the freedoms Canadians once enjoyed

Political turmoil is bad for business

Premier Clark needs to take a more business-friendly approach to stem threat from B.C. Conservatives

Three steps forward, one step back

Bill C-30 flies in stark contrast to Conservative legislation promoting greater freedoms

Other people’s money in short supply

European Union and climate change are the great failed socialist experiments of the last 100 years

Denial of rights reaches the end of the road

The B.C. Supreme Court slapped the wrists of the B.C. Liberals by ruling B.C.’s roadside convictions unconstitutional.

Carbon tax puts B.C. at disadvantage

The B.C. Liberals climbed aboard the “low carbon” bandwagon, largely in an effort to claim the “green” high ground from the NDP

This is what democracy looks like

Occupy protesters want to dismantle the same system that gives them the right to exist

Premier’s jobs plan doesn’t work

Now Christy Clark wants to create jobs. One wonders why the change of heart. After spending the first half year of her regime introducing a spate of NDP-inspired job-killing policies, now Clark believes she can somehow “create” jobs with a speech or two and a visit to the Far East.