Donna Macdonald

“More than half of people in Canada don’t believe women need to be better represented in politics...'

Wanted: more women

Columnist Donna Macdonald says Canada is far behind many other countries in electing women.

“More than half of people in Canada don’t believe women need to be better represented in politics...'
COLUMN: Why even good mayors can’t do their jobs

COLUMN: Why even good mayors can’t do their jobs

Senior governments tax "billions of dollars out of communities and very little comes back to help run cities."

COLUMN: Why even good mayors can’t do their jobs
COLUMN: Counsel for council candidates (and voters)

COLUMN: Counsel for council candidates (and voters)

What can voters expect from you? What do you need to be thinking about and preparing for?

COLUMN: Counsel for council candidates (and voters)
COLUMN: Summertime work and play

COLUMN: Summertime work and play

I’ve been noticing that, at long last, “climate change” has slipped into the general vocabulary.

COLUMN: Summertime work and play
Artists rendering of first phase of new townhomes for Nelson Landing.

COLUMN: Making decisions for the future

Nelson councillor Donna Macdonald explains why she voted to approve the variances for the first phase of Nelson Landing

Artists rendering of first phase of new townhomes for Nelson Landing.

From UBCM with thanks

The issue of resources for municipal governments is building momentum.

Smitty Miller stands by LiLi who takes the Fraser Valley library live and on tour.

Libraries — a bright future in Nelson

Anyone who thinks libraries are doomed like the dodo bird is dead wrong.

Smitty Miller stands by LiLi who takes the Fraser Valley library live and on tour.
City councillors are busy at this time of year as they read through reports and  set priorities for heading into the future.

Budgets and bankruptcy

Last week I watched with horror the news story about San Jose, California.

City councillors are busy at this time of year as they read through reports and  set priorities for heading into the future.