Jessica Schwitek

Visitor centre will remain open despite rumours

It was a busy summer for the tourism industry here in Golden, but rumours still swelled over the future for the BCVC on the highway.

Election 2015: Candidates eager to debate in eight communities

MP hopefuls for the Kootenay-Columbia riding are hoping to have debates in each of the riding's major centres.

Interior Health researching options for future rural lab services

IH is starting a two-year process to create a sustainability strategy for their Lab Services.

Council looks at pedestrian access around town

At a finance committee meeting late last month, Town Council decided to make pedestrian access a priority.

Federal funds bring high-speed to Parson

Parson residents can expect to join the modern technological world by no later than 2017 with high speed internet.

Zoning fears came out at Area A meeting

The agenda for the meeting included a discussion about a Rural Development Plan

Telus tower proposal moves to Industry Canada

A Telus proposal to extend an existing cell tower in Golden is now in the hands of Industry Canada to approve.

Broken pump keeping Golden square fountain dry

This winter's ice jam damaged the pump for the Spirit Square water fountain.

Food Bank seeing success on food recovery

The Food Bank held its AGM last week and they are happy to announce that they had a strong year of fundraising, bringing in $55,000.

Golden business owner wants changes to window tinting laws

The laws regarding front window tinting haven't changed in 25 years, but one local business owner says it's time for progress.

Resident expresses concern over cell towers

A pair of proposed cell towers has a group of residents up in arms.

Conservation officers make request for stronger bylaw enforcement

Golden's two conservation officers are looking for help from the community to reduce bear conflict this season.

First phase begins for highway strip improvements

Golden’s largest RMI project, the Highway 1 Boulevard Improvement, will get underway shortly.

Transportation critic tours the area to learn about Highway 1

NDP Transportation Critic Claire Trevena toured the section of highway to better understand the needs of the residents in the area.

Craft brewery takes leap forward in development

The Whitetooth Brewing Company took a big step forward last week as council approved seven different variances for the proposed business.

A local photographer captured a million-dollar photo when she happened to witness Mayor Ron Oszust being beamed up to a UFO at Cedar Lake this weekend. Mayor Oszust hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

Mayor Ron Oszust disappears into UFO

Golden’s new mayor, Ron Oszust was last seen at Cedar Lake on Sunday afternoon, engulfed in a pink light that came beaming down from a UFO.

A local photographer captured a million-dollar photo when she happened to witness Mayor Ron Oszust being beamed up to a UFO at Cedar Lake this weekend. Mayor Oszust hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

Financial Plan goes to public

The town of Golden's Five-Year Financial Plan bylaw has passed its first reading.

Wayne Stetski

Former Cranbrook mayor runs with NDP

Cranbrook’s Wayne Stetski will be running against incumbent David Wilks in the next federal election.

Wayne Stetski

Golden election candidates tally low expenses

Keith Hern tops the list of Golden spenders during the 2014 Municipal Election.

Recreation rates pass with opposition

An amended Recreation Facilities Fees and Charges Regulations Bylaw has been adopted by Council despite reservations from one councillor.