Emina Jasarevic

Jasarevic: Options to drugs for treating allergies

Several naturopathic therapies exist with good scientific evidence for the treatment and relief of seasonal allergies.

Jasarevic: Use naturopathy to deal with seasonal allergies

Several naturopathic therapies exist with good scientific evidence for the treatment and relief of seasonal allergies.

Jasarevic: Tired? It could be adrenal gland problems

Adrenal glands produce the hormones that influence your ability to have energy, fall asleep and support your immune system.

Jasarevic: Cure for disease still proves to be elusive

MS symptoms are unique to each patient and range from mild neurological impairments to debilitating loss in various functions.

Jasarevic: Lead exposure testing driven by symptoms

Adverse effects from lead exposure occur well below the toxic threshold of 10 micrograms/dl, including brain damage.

Jasarevic: Impact of copper toxicity

Inorganic copper (used to make wire, plumbing pipe) bypasses the liver to deposit directly into the blood stream…

Jasarevic: What to look for on food labels

Consumers are left little more enlightened than they were before mandatory labelling.

Jasarevic: Vitamin injections can help subside morning sickness

Morning sickness may be caused by the large hormonal shifts that occur during the first few months of pregnancy.

Jasarevic: How to battle seasonal allergies

Spring is in the air—unfortunately for allergy sufferers, this means sneezing, wheezing, runny nose and itchy eyes.