Gabriele Banka

Banka: Three accountant groups begin merging process in 2013

Chartered Accountants (CA), Certified General Accountants (CGA) and Certified Management Accountants (CMA) merge in 2013.

Banka: Last chance for 2012 tax breaks

It’s time to estimate your income to take advantage of any tax deductions that may be coming to you.

Banka: What to consider in hiring a bookkeeper

You will need to keep your business records in case of an audit of GST/HST, payroll or taxes.

Banka: Deciding between dividends and salary for company income

Depending on the kind of business, the corporate tax rates are currently lower than the lowest personal tax rates.

Banka: The value of professional designation to consumers

Columnist Gabriele Banka says there are benefits for consumers of dealing with someone with a professional designation.

Ethics of switching accountants

Professionally designated accountants are required to follow a strict code of ethics.

Banka: Demystifying an accountant’s business engagement letter

Once you meet with the accountant, you will be asked to sign an engagement letter usually before any work commences on the file.

Banka: Facts to consider before starting your own business

Kelowna has many small businesses but very few large employers.

Banka: Deciding whether to purchase assets or shares

Why someone might purchase only the assets of a business is to avoid adopting the tax problems of an incorporated business.

Banka: Figuring out a company’s ratio analysis on the balance sheet

There are a number of assets that are used on the balance sheet to indicate the health of your company.

Banka: Understand the due diligence of accountants

Accountants sometimes require non-financial information before submitting a business client's tax return.

Banka: New tax credits made available for your 2011 tax return

Now that we are in the middle of tax season, I thought I would bring everyone up to date on the changes for this year.

Banka: The accounting behind running a corporation

Continuing with the theme of the life of a corporation, this installment addresses some of the reporting requirements.