Gaeil Farrar

Summer Singleton is a spunky six year old who is taking much of her intravenous chemotherapy treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a smile during her stay at Children's Hospital in Vancouver.

Williams Lake family in Vancouver fighting cancer second time around

A second cancer diagnosis among young siblings has become a shocking and difficult reality for one Williams Lake family.

Summer Singleton is a spunky six year old who is taking much of her intravenous chemotherapy treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a smile during her stay at Children's Hospital in Vancouver.
Whether the two large round red/amber lights spotted flying over Williams Lake last Thursday night were from a drone, a helicopter, a plane, or perhaps a military exercise, may never be revealed by government authorities.

Curious red lights fly over city

The sighting of two large bright red lights flying over Williams Lake last Thursday evening has raised questions around the use of drones.

Whether the two large round red/amber lights spotted flying over Williams Lake last Thursday night were from a drone, a helicopter, a plane, or perhaps a military exercise, may never be revealed by government authorities.
Williams Lake Sportsmen’s Association president Kane Fraser (left) presents the first-place rainbow trout trophy to Kyle Gysel at the WLSA Wild Game Banquet Saturday at the Elks Hall.

Top hunters honoured at game banquet

It was definitely Kyle Gysel’s night at the Williams Lake Sportmen’s Association’s annual Wild Game Banquet and Awards Saturday evening.

Williams Lake Sportsmen’s Association president Kane Fraser (left) presents the first-place rainbow trout trophy to Kyle Gysel at the WLSA Wild Game Banquet Saturday at the Elks Hall.

National White Cane Week recognized

National White Cane Week will be marked in Williams Lake with an open house at the Williams Lake library on Friday, Feb. 10.

Last fall Lake City Secondary Falcon Environmental Club students Callie Hume, (from the left), Matthew Matheson, Michelle Ingram, Kyla Roorda, and Katlyn Berkelaar gathered the materials with Sue Hemphill, the Scout Island Nature Centre environmental educator to begin the process of planting new trees at the nature centre. First they had to build a deer fence around the area that will be planted.

Scout Island Nature Centre education programs in jeopardy

Scout Island Nature Centre is in danger of losing $12,500 in annual grant funding from the City of Williams Lake.

Last fall Lake City Secondary Falcon Environmental Club students Callie Hume, (from the left), Matthew Matheson, Michelle Ingram, Kyla Roorda, and Katlyn Berkelaar gathered the materials with Sue Hemphill, the Scout Island Nature Centre environmental educator to begin the process of planting new trees at the nature centre. First they had to build a deer fence around the area that will be planted.
Curt Sprickerhoff (left) works the lights while Alix Leary runs the sound system for Calendar Girls. The play received a standing ovation Wednesday evening.

Studio Theatre a great place to learn new skills

While the audience is fixed on the action on stage, the backstage crew is busy making sure the play is unfolding smoothly.

Curt Sprickerhoff (left) works the lights while Alix Leary runs the sound system for Calendar Girls. The play received a standing ovation Wednesday evening.
GROW principal Mike Franklin is one of 40 principals in Canada to win the 2017 Learning Partnership’s Canada’s Outstanding Principals award and join the National Academy of Canada’s Outstanding Principals.

Mike Franklin wins national principal’s award

This month GROW Alternative Education Centre principal Mike Franklin joins the National Academy of Canada’s Outstanding Principals.

GROW principal Mike Franklin is one of 40 principals in Canada to win the 2017 Learning Partnership’s Canada’s Outstanding Principals award and join the National Academy of Canada’s Outstanding Principals.

Vigil Friday for Quebec mosque shooting victims

At a time when Muslims normally pray, community members of all faiths in Williams Lake are asked to gather to remember those killed.

Cassius Billy, from Williams Lake (left), Allison from Quesnel, and Chrissie Squinas from Anahim Lake visit in Montreal with Carey Price, Montreal Canadiens goalie and Breakfast Club of Canada Ambassador for First Nations.

SD 27 students enjoy meeting Carey Price

Two SD 27 students had the experience of a lifetime when they travelled to Montreal to watch the Canadiens and visit with Carey Price.

Cassius Billy, from Williams Lake (left), Allison from Quesnel, and Chrissie Squinas from Anahim Lake visit in Montreal with Carey Price, Montreal Canadiens goalie and Breakfast Club of Canada Ambassador for First Nations.
Sylvia Swift is having fun developing her role as Marie in the Studio Theatre’s production of Calendar Girls that begins a three week run next week including a dinner theatre weekend.

Calendar Girls on stage next week

The Studio Theatre is down to the last full week of rehearsals before the delightfully humorous Calendar Girls hits the stage.

Sylvia Swift is having fun developing her role as Marie in the Studio Theatre’s production of Calendar Girls that begins a three week run next week including a dinner theatre weekend.
Marin Patenaude and her band, the Follow Through, performed for very appreciative crowds at two sold out Safety Meeting concerts held at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre Friday and Saturday night.

Marin Patenaude working on new projects

Marin Patenaude and her band, the Follow Through, played to two packed, appreciative houses at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre.

Marin Patenaude and her band, the Follow Through, performed for very appreciative crowds at two sold out Safety Meeting concerts held at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre Friday and Saturday night.
Many Salvation Army volunteers helped to cook and serve a special Christmas dinner for 257 people in need on Dec. 23, 2016.

Salvation Army report indicates increased need for support services

The latest financial report provided by the Salvation Army this week indicates that demand for support services continues to rise.

Many Salvation Army volunteers helped to cook and serve a special Christmas dinner for 257 people in need on Dec. 23, 2016.
Wayne Lucier, the city’s homeless outreach worker with CMHA and a new director with the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin, says he has seen no slow down in the need for affordable housing in Williams Lake this winter.

Homeless still affected by lack of affordable housing

The issue of homelessness continues to be a problem in Williams Lake.

Wayne Lucier, the city’s homeless outreach worker with CMHA and a new director with the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin, says he has seen no slow down in the need for affordable housing in Williams Lake this winter.

Big Night Out

Big Brothers and Big Sisters presents its second annual Big Night Out Valentine prom for adults on Saturday, Feb. 11.

Curt Sprickerhoff acting in a scene from last fall’s play Mind Games.

Auditions Wednesday for Canadian plays

The studio theatre is holding its second night of auditions for two new plays Wednesday.

Curt Sprickerhoff acting in a scene from last fall’s play Mind Games.
From the front left Ruth and Jim Fraser with Mayor Walt Cobb just after the unveiling of the plaque dedicating the garden in the Williams Lake Cemetery in the Fraser’s honour.

Ruth and Jim Fraser honoured

The many contributions of Ruth and Jim Fraser to the community of Williams Lake were recognized with a special plaque unveiling Thursday.

From the front left Ruth and Jim Fraser with Mayor Walt Cobb just after the unveiling of the plaque dedicating the garden in the Williams Lake Cemetery in the Fraser’s honour.
George Atamanenko

Museum board elected

The Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society will introduce its new board and executive members.

George Atamanenko
The royal court in Cinderella includes Kaitlin Janz as Cinderella’s step-mother Madame Constantina (from the back left), Danielle Schultz as Cinderella, Nathan Seibert as Prince Alexander; Brooklyn Laukkanen as Queen Alessandra (seated left) and Spencer Blois as King Corriander.

Magic of Cinderella on stage this week

Cinderella promises to be the Maranatha Players’ most magical musical to date.

The royal court in Cinderella includes Kaitlin Janz as Cinderella’s step-mother Madame Constantina (from the back left), Danielle Schultz as Cinderella, Nathan Seibert as Prince Alexander; Brooklyn Laukkanen as Queen Alessandra (seated left) and Spencer Blois as King Corriander.
Curt Sprickerhoff as Dr. Farquhar (standing) and Michael Rawluk as Mark Styler in the Studio Theatre production of Mindgame.

Lots going on behind the scenes

There is always a lot of activity and unsung heroes working behind the scenes of any Studio Theatre production.

Curt Sprickerhoff as Dr. Farquhar (standing) and Michael Rawluk as Mark Styler in the Studio Theatre production of Mindgame.
Amely Wolf with the pile of Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes filled by her family and friends.

Operation Christmas Child dear to her heart

Operation Christmas Child is close to Sue Wolf’s heart.

Amely Wolf with the pile of Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes filled by her family and friends.