George Mortimore

COLUMN: Clock is ticking on brain-healing

Dementia. I hate that ugly word. It implies, wrongly, that the patient has ceased to be a thinking, feeling human.

COLUMN: Canada the nation could follow Finnish ways of transit

Finland is an efficient industrial country, tuned in to the Electronic Revolution. For Finns, access to the internet is a legal right.

Mortimore: Will Earth export climate refugees?

I think about Mars as I view Kelowna and snowy mountains from seven miles up, and squeeze comfortably into an economy-sized space.

Mortimore: Breaking the sound barrier

“You’re deaf.”
So the more blunt-spoken listeners and watchers told me, when I raised the TV sound volume.

Mortimore: Sharp practice on the market

One tiny piece of steel. That was the only shaving supply I needed, a blade for my Schick Injector razor.

G.E. Mortimer: Nailing the pet-bashers

Animal-cruelty offenders escape conviction because the law is weak. They plead “I didn’t mean any harm, it was an accident.”

Thanks for everything, Vic General

Dialing 9-1-1 would be a big decision, so I refrained from doing it.

A few regretful moments in history

Historian Maureen Duffus is firing up her time-travel machine once again.

The case for lawful, controlled pot

“Big Tobacco” would love to grab the billions of dollars that will flow from marijuana if its sale is made lawful across Canada.

Led by computers to financial ruin

Smart machines are overwhelming the stock markets, as electronic traders buy and sell securities without human intervention.

Under the thumb of big numbers

See if this number means anything: $42 trillion, increasing by thousands per second.

Outwitting the political bank robbers

How does North Dakota routinely balance the budget each year while B.C. and other Canadian provinces and U.S. states flounder in debt?

Farewell to sawmills and frogs

“Don’t use my name,” she warned. “Okay, I won’t, scout’s honour,” I assured my Langford Lake friend and neighbour. I was tapping into her view of past years.

The miracle of co-operation

Cognitive scientists have found 20 men and women who can remember what happened every day of their lives from pre-teens onward.

Rebel page a future prime minister?

It was a small but explosive mutiny.

Daydreaming for a smarter world

This is Clinic 6, Royal Jubilee Hospital. It’s a human repair-shop. I’m…

Goodbye Keith, hello change-maker

MP Keith Martin (Liberal) quit federal politics because he was tired of…

The quiet power of my wife

“What am I allowed to wear today?” I used to ask my…

Rebuilding a fair national tax regime

Rebuilding the tax system is the smartest idea that has come out…

Redrawing the B.C. political landscape

Nobody cheered the visiting MLAs from across B.C. as they wandered into…