Lorraine Doiron

A few happy birthdays

June 3 I turn 70. Happy Birthday to me! Margaret at Zellers…

A welcome to a new baby

A warm welcome to baby Grace Marilyn D’Arcy Maurer, parents Megan D’Arcy…

Beware of the scammer calls

Wouldn’t it be something if the Canucks win the Stanley Cup and…

Give a click for animal shelter

Perennial Plant Sale, sponsored by BV Genealogical Society, at the goat statue…

Ideas for Mother’s Day

Looking for something to give mom for Mothers Day? Here’s an idea…

Bathroom reno a huge success

Spring cleaning like a mad woman, feels so good to open a window without having it freeze open. The Chinese people clean their homes to get ready for their new year, late winter/early spring. They feel it removes bad luck that may have accumulated during the previous year.

Ways to make some difference

Working on discovering my purpose in being here, this seems to say it: “I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, after all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all”.

Thank a volunteer this April

A few spots left for the Board Basic workshop on April 12,…

Track your family heritage

The BV Genealogical Society is sponsoring a contest: Who Do You Think…

Bunch of blond buds

Bonding: A uniting force. Ten hockey players from the Smithers Bantam Storm,…

Hard to let go of pets

I miss my little boy dog. The old girl dog is still…

Not much time left to vote

The Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter has only 18 days left for votes.…

Lessons to learn from women

The BC Women’s Institute (WI) is celebrating WI Week from Feb. 13 to 19. Their mandate is to provide opportunities for friendship, education and self-improvement, along with charity, community work plus having a political voice for Canada’s rural women. The Glenwood WI will be holding a bake sale on Feb. 12 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Bulkley Centre. Great goodies to satisfy your sweet tooth plus information on the Institute. An article in Harrowsmith Country Life, October 2009, titled “Whither the WI?” indicates that WI membership is slowly shrinking.

Lots happening in February

Attended my first yoga class, through ElderCollege. Yoga is not for sissies. I will go back for the next two sessions, I am not a quitter.

Don’t forget about the bears

Don’t forget to vote for the grizzly bears! Go to Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter, find the direct link to Pepsi, and cast your vote for a worthy cause.

Help out the grizzly cubs

Smithers, listen up! Here is a chance to do something good with just a click of your mouse. Northern Lights Wildlife Society is in seventh place in the Pepsi Challenge. Let’s push them into first so they can get the necessary grant to send Jason and Drew, two grizzly cubs, home. Go to www.wildlifeshelter.com for a direct link to vote, and have a visit with some of the guests at the shelter while there.