Greg Knill

Opinion: Guns are not toys

Guns – even fake guns – are not toys, and their use is not a game.

Opinion: Learning from tragedy

We need to constantly remind ourselves and others of the potential damage a vehicle of any kind can do.

Chilliwack firefighters conduct a ‘small room and content’ fire scenario at an abandoned home on Annis Road Friday.

Scenario training offers real-life experience

Chilliwack firefighters learn about fire behaviour by experiencing it first hand.

Chilliwack firefighters conduct a ‘small room and content’ fire scenario at an abandoned home on Annis Road Friday.
Candidates in the Chilliwack School District byelection face questions at forum at G.W. Graham school on Monday.

Forum brings out SD33 byelection hopefuls

Candidates hoping to win a seat on the Chilliwack School Board faced questions at the second of two all-candidates forums on Monday.

Candidates in the Chilliwack School District byelection face questions at forum at G.W. Graham school on Monday.

Opinion: Tradition of acceptance

Canada has a history of welcoming refugees and accommodating immigrants. We can't let fear and intolerance change that.

Opinion: Our teaching moment

The last Chilliwack school district byelection taught our students a lot about how we value democracy. And it wasn't pretty.

Opinion: Election postmortem

Conservatives have to take a close look at how they ran their campaign.

A worker bundles asbestos material from a downtown demolition site that was subject to two WorkSafe BC stop-work orders.

Opinion: Welcomed improvement to asbestos safety in Chilliwack

Chilliwack city staff and council deserve praise for tightening the rules around asbestos removal in demolitions.

A worker bundles asbestos material from a downtown demolition site that was subject to two WorkSafe BC stop-work orders.
Greg Trainor, chief development officer with Windriver Power Corporation, answers questions during an open house Wednesday regarding its proposed Tamihi Creek run-of-the-river power project. The company is in the preliminary stages of seeking provincial approval for the $50-million project, which would divert a portion of the water in the creek to generate power, before returning further downstream.

Public hears of Tamihi Creek power plans

WindRiver Power Corporation holds open house to explain its plans for a run-of-the-river power project on Tamihi Creek.

Greg Trainor, chief development officer with Windriver Power Corporation, answers questions during an open house Wednesday regarding its proposed Tamihi Creek run-of-the-river power project. The company is in the preliminary stages of seeking provincial approval for the $50-million project, which would divert a portion of the water in the creek to generate power, before returning further downstream.
Chilliwack council is worried large estates like this one in Ladner threaten local agricultural land.

Chilliwack takes aim at monster homes on farm land

Chilliwack city council is moving to prevent large residential homes from using up valuable agricultural land in the city.

Chilliwack council is worried large estates like this one in Ladner threaten local agricultural land.

Opinion: Judging the TPP

What we do know is that the TPP will have tremendous impact on the Canadian economy – particularly here in Chilliwack.

Putting a charge back in your community

Neighbourhood activist Jim Diers shares his experience building more caring, more resilient, and more responsive communities.

FVRD Area E Director Orion Engar takes a look at some of the garbage collected from the Chilliwack Vedder River Valley on Sunday morning, by an army of about 300 volunteers.

Opinion: Time to take out the trash

In what’s becoming a ritual, volunteers were at the riverside again, hauling out the tonnes of garbage that others have left behind.

FVRD Area E Director Orion Engar takes a look at some of the garbage collected from the Chilliwack Vedder River Valley on Sunday morning, by an army of about 300 volunteers.
Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz and city councillors Chuck Stam and Ken Popove discuss concerns following the urban town hall meeting at Sardis Library on Thursday.

Town hall meeting hears southside concerns

Chilliwack city council faced questions ranging from safety and security, to roadwork and traffic congestion at a town hall Thursday.

Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz and city councillors Chuck Stam and Ken Popove discuss concerns following the urban town hall meeting at Sardis Library on Thursday.

Opinion: A collective effort on homelessness needed

There is more work to be done on homelessness in Chilliwack, but to suggest the issue is being ignored is simply wrong.

Opinion: A shared commitment

In times of adversity, we become stronger when we work together as a community.

A worker separates material from a local demolition site into special bags for handling asbestos on Wednesday.

Stop work order issued at Shannon Court – again

Asbestos removal halted by WorkSafe BC at Chilliwack demolition site

A worker separates material from a local demolition site into special bags for handling asbestos on Wednesday.

Opinion: Incentive to butt out

There may not be 100 per cent compliance, but the bylaw may be enough to discourage some from sharing their habit with those around them.

Opinion: Underestimating asbestos

Over the past decade 581 deaths in B.C. have been linked to asbestos, making it the province’s No. 1 workplace killer.

Opinion: And so it begins

The flurry of recent funding announcements come against a backdrop of aggressive campaigning that began months ago