Greg Knill

Opinion: A bridge too far

Suggestions to build an entirely new Vedder crossing at Tyson Road is as unworkable as it is unnecessary.

Opinion: A bridge at last

A source of endless frustration for both residents and visitors to our community received some welcome relief last week.

Epicentre of Sunday morning's 3.3 earthquake. Cultus Lake is on the right.

Opinion: Shaking things up

Sunday’s earthquake was a gentle reminder of the geologic forces at work beneath the ground in the eastern Fraser Valley.

Epicentre of Sunday morning's 3.3 earthquake. Cultus Lake is on the right.

Opinion: The heat is on

But Chilliwack residents could be excused for thinking summer started months ago.

Air tankers were sent over the fire by Harrison Lake to box it in Wednesday evening.

Opinion: A call for caution

It doesn’t take much to turn a smoldering cigarette butt into a costly and dangerous fire.

Air tankers were sent over the fire by Harrison Lake to box it in Wednesday evening.
Elk Mountain Trail.

Opinion: Respect the outdoors

Chilliwack has some remarkable terrain. But that beauty and scenic serenity can mask its risks.

Elk Mountain Trail.
Image from the front page of the Chilliwack Progress, May 20, 1964.

Opinion: When kids rode bikes

The bicycle was once the transportation of choice for Chilliwack students. Not anymore.

Image from the front page of the Chilliwack Progress, May 20, 1964.

Opinion: Garbage season again

Garbage is a perennial problem in the Chilliwack back country. Volunteers do their best, but clearly more resources are needed.

Opinion: Care for our wetlands

For the past three years a small army of volunteers have been toiling to restore the productivity of a key piece of natural habitat.

Zoey Slater, a volunteer with the Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition, explains to Yarrow elementary students how the new Browne Creek Wetlands will benefit young salmon.

Browne Creek Wetlands bolster park system

The Browne Creek Wetlands is the newest addition to Chilliwack's trail network. But the work's not over yet, proponents say.

Zoey Slater, a volunteer with the Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition, explains to Yarrow elementary students how the new Browne Creek Wetlands will benefit young salmon.

Opinion: Take time to be prepared

As the experts say, it’s better to be prepared than to be sorry.

Opinion: Airport still holds dreams

In the heady days following the end of the Second World War, air transport was seen as the way of the future for Chilliwack.

Opinion: Volunteers – The mortar that binds

National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to acknowledge the work done by so many in the community to build a better Chilliwack.

Opinion: The diking dilemma

The entire Fraser Valley flood plain is a web of jurisdictions – places where the decision of one can have implications downstream

Opinion: Driven to distraction

Distracted driving is now the second leading cause of car crashes in the province, police say.

Dignitaries and representatives from BC Transit wait for the 10:15 Fraser Valley Express #66 bus to depart from Spadina Avenue in Chilliwack on Tuesday.

Opinion: New era in Fraser Valley transit

The addition of the Fraser Express to Chilliwack’s transportation mix is one of the most significant developments in recent years.

Dignitaries and representatives from BC Transit wait for the 10:15 Fraser Valley Express #66 bus to depart from Spadina Avenue in Chilliwack on Tuesday.

Opinion: Live-stream democracy

If the Chilliwack school district is looking for a rationale to live-stream its board meetings, it doesn’t have to look far.

Spectators watch as the Irwin Block comes down last March. The B.C. Supreme Court has ordered the City of Chilliwack to pay the property owner an additional $220,000 for its expropriation in 2012.

City told to pay more for Irwin Block

Court rules City of Chilliwack paid too little for expropriation

Spectators watch as the Irwin Block comes down last March. The B.C. Supreme Court has ordered the City of Chilliwack to pay the property owner an additional $220,000 for its expropriation in 2012.

Opinion: The proven value of CPR training

There’s no guarantee that those who receive CPR will survive, but at least it will give them a fighting chance.

Opinion: Setting spending priorities

It's a balancing act determining where Chilliwack tax dollars will be spent in the year – and decade – ahead.