Gwen Steele

Steele: Caring for our shade trees in the heat

OXA board president Jeanette Merrick gave me some tips on how to help our trees through the heat wave.

Steele: Maintenance ideas for perennials

Tips for keeping your perennials looking their best.

Steele: Let Mother Nature maintain your yard

Putting a true value on natural landscapes is long overdue.

Steele: Many old-time garden perennials thrive with little water

Many well-loved, old garden perennials, are very drought-tolerant.

Steele: Eliminate weed tree seedlings to avoid costly issues

Part of the Siberian elm's toughness is due to its drought-proof, deep taproot.

Steele: Award winning gardening author coming to Kelowna

Sara Williams is the author of many gardening books and regularly gives workshops throughout western Canada.

Steele: Water-wise bedding plants great gifts

Giving a pot of annual/bedding plants that will last all season means your gift provides months of enjoyment.

Steele: Xeriscape plant sale at H2O Aquatic Centre garden

Mediterranean- themed plants at the sale will include a children’s favourite, giant lamb’s ears.

The unH2O  Rock Garden includes pink thrift (Armeria ‘Dusseldorf Pride’), yellow Sedum ellacombianum and hen and chicks. These and many more sedum and sempervivum varieties will be for sale.

Steele: Water-wise plants at annual xeriscape plant sale

Xeriscape experts and Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions.

The unH2O  Rock Garden includes pink thrift (Armeria ‘Dusseldorf Pride’), yellow Sedum ellacombianum and hen and chicks. These and many more sedum and sempervivum varieties will be for sale.

Steele: Create a pollinator garden to celebrate Earth Day

We can help honeybees and the hundreds of bee species that are native to Canada.

Steele: Replace lawn with veggie garden

An exciting new trend has begun. People want to know what is in their food and to eat fresh, locally-grown produce.

Steele: Time to focus on the lawn

Now is the perfect time to feed turf-grass and build up the soil.

Steele: Celebrating World Water Week

We are living in a semi-desert and could experience the same water shortages…as the Colorado River delta.

Steele: Garden season ending

The timing was good to clean up the unH2O Xeriscape Garden as everything froze four days later.

Steele: What to do with all those leaves

Fallen leaves are the best source of free organic matter for my garden.

Steele: Water-wise landscape enhances Kelowna industrial area

"We’ve had lots of compliments from other building owners and winery owners who pop in…"

Steele: Giving thanks for the joy and abundance of our city

I’ve been pondering how grateful I am to have been born in Kelowna and lived here most of my life.

Steele: Gardening class leads to long-time enjoyment

With the addition last fall of spring bulbs, Wayne now has a colourful garden from March to frost.

Steele: Giving out xeriscape garden awards

I was excited to see the tremendous variation and creativity in the gardens.

Blooming ornamental grasses add a bold autumn statement in the Summerland Ornamental Gardens.

Steele: September highlight for fall season

Although there are a number of late spring/early summer garden tours in the valley, I think this is the first fall tour.

Blooming ornamental grasses add a bold autumn statement in the Summerland Ornamental Gardens.