Hans Dummerauf

Burton Creek is one of several local creeks that is facing IPP development ; Run of River power could have long-term effects on fish and animal habitats.

IPPs to threaten Arrow Lakes fish?

Recent IPP applications for Investigative Purposes to generate Hydro electricity have been filed for local creeks around Burton.

Burton Creek is one of several local creeks that is facing IPP development ; Run of River power could have long-term effects on fish and animal habitats.
Stoney Creek, one of the proposed sites for an Independent Power Producer, is only a trickle for a significant portion of the year.

A part-time hydro electric generating station?

Are recent and renewed Independent Power Producers (IPPs) proposal on Stoney and other Arrow Creeks on anyone’s radar, asks Hans Dummerauf.

Stoney Creek, one of the proposed sites for an Independent Power Producer, is only a trickle for a significant portion of the year.

ALESS is flying about

With anyone interested in monitoring creek waters, the discussion may inevitably lead to bug collection – the spineless ones.