Helen Lang

HELEN LANG: Despite the frost, blooms of hope appear

Bulbs showing green shoots despite the snow that blankets the Peninsula

HELEN LANG: Christmas means time for giving

Friend's goodwill toward a man on the street stands out to garden columnist Helen Lang

HELEN LANG: Winter’s arrival means gardening with mittens

If you are going away for a winter holiday perhaps you should not start feeding the birds.

Cared-for plant is set on death

Tibouchina is on its last days despite care from Helen Lang

Trees mean a lot to columnist

Becoming a 'tree hugger' one option for would-be protester

Anticipating winter leads to bulb binge

I have a limited space for pots, which should have deterred me, but unfortunately it didn’t slow me down that much.

Visions of chionodoxa dance

What to do on a day you should just go back to bed

What happened to a dozen?

I’m headed for Vancouver tomorrow, to spend a night with one daughter and then go with her to the airport to meet the youngest in the family who is returning from a month in Australia.

Let your garden turn blue

Gray skies today. A shock after all that wonderful, hot, late-summer weather

Help with your hydrangeas

Today I’d like to talk about hydrangeas

Gardening in the living room

Pots in the bedroom, pots in the hall, some of them big and some of them small.

Pruning comes after blooming

I never really believed that plants could hear what you were saying, although I sometimes whisper “Oh, you are so beautiful,” to my hibiscus, and it continues to flower

Plant winter garden now

Covered veggies will survive, even under snowcover

Respect the raspberries

Garden columnist Helen Lang gets a taste of summer.

Look for colour and size in bulbs

In a fairly large pot on the balcony I have two lilies.

In my brother’s garden

Once again I’m back home after my two days away in Cedar.

A stranger in the garden

A couple of interesting and uninvited strangers have appeared on my third floor balcony.

Bean climbs with clematis

Something rather special happened last week, my long-time friend Lucy W. came out for tea bringing a large manila envelope with her addressed to me.

Dutch iris shows in dark blue

I was out early this morning for a quick walk, and a search for something about gardens that would appeal to you.

Water, water everywhere

I know it is a pain in the neck to haul hoses, or lug heavy watering cans, but when it is hot, plants shrivel up unless they are kept moist.