Ian Gartshore

COASTAL LIVING: Solar power becoming more affordable

NANAIMO – Increasing B.C. Hydro rates pushing people toward alternative energy options.

COASTAL LIVING: Winter exposes heat inefficiency

NANAIMO – Variety of causes for cold spots in homes or offices.

Nanaimo can help lead country toward zero waste

NANAIMO – Reclaiming materials one way to reduce amount of garbage going to landfill.

COASTAL LIVING: Public opinion prevented past incinerators

NANAIMO – Recycling should be first priority in solid waste plans.

COASTAL LIVING: Investing in solar energy a bright idea for future

NANAIMO – Electricity systems based on sun’s power offer better return on investment.

Burning garbage poses drawbacks

NANAIMO – City council denied support to a proposal to build waste-to-energy incinerator.

COASTAL LIVING: Increase efficiency to help combat rising electricity rates in province

NANAIMO – New windows and insulation are two ways to lower amount of electricity consumed in the home.

COASTAL LIVING: Time to bring workers home

NANAIMO – Sustainable energy initiatives providing well-paying jobs in other parts of B.C.

Smart meters help show home energy consumption

NANAIMO – Seeing data on daily energy use might help residents pinpoint where to cut back.

Desire for public transportation grows

NANAIMO – Baby boomers and millennials relying less on vehicles, more on bikes, buses and walking paths

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: ‘Green’ technology key to new B.C. jobs

In last month’s provincial election, the B.C. Liberals won on a platform…

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Transportation design vital

NANAIMO – Over-reliance on the single-occupancy car is costing us dearly.

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Each flush sends energy right down the drain

NANAIMO – Quite apart from the loss to nature, wasting water costs us.

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Where shines the light, so follows escaping heat

NANAIMO – Heat from regular light bulbs, cellphone chargers, stand-by electronic devices add indoor heat

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Well-sealed homes a definite health risk

NANAIMO: Time to celebrate healthy bodies and a healthy planet.

ENERGY SOLUTIONS: Car sharing provides viable auto solution

Transportation is one of the most expensive aspects to living in the Western world, both to our pocketbooks and the planet.

Reduction in water use delays costly upgrades

Imagine if Nanaimo invested in strong water reducing measures, rather than into a new dam?

ENERGY MATTERS: Car-centric system unworkable

If we were living in Nanaimo a century ago, we would be thinking about transportation mainly in terms of boats, horses, and by foot.

COLUMN: Oil dependency has to end

We have a love-hate relationship with oil companies.

Fossil fuel dependency a dead-end road

Since the Industrial Revolution began, and especially since the discovery of crude oil a century ago, we have come to appreciate the benefits of fossil fuels.