Jack Emberly

Our rights to respect and protection

Our rights to respect and protection

Safety is an issue when answers are near impossible to come by from those in charge

Our rights to respect and protection
Our rights to respect and protection

Maple Ridge is bigger than Mayberry

Good neighbours give the district a small-town feel.

Our rights to respect and protection

The public didn’t bring up education

Is government secretly trying to undermine public education and favouring the private?

Along the Fraser: I read it in the Fish and Flies news

Along the Fraser: I read it in the Fish and Flies news

Puppet play written for Earth Day to make point about our fish

Along the Fraser: I read it in the Fish and Flies news
Along the Fraser: I read it in the Fish and Flies news

Getting word out about local food

A column by Jack Emberly, a retired teacher, Maple Ridge author and environmentalist.

Along the Fraser: I read it in the Fish and Flies news
Crossing Grand Canyon off my list

Crossing Grand Canyon off my list

You can trail ride, gorge on barbecue, or helicopter above mesas, and red pock-marked boulders.

Crossing Grand Canyon off my list
A path and footbridge to a plan

A path and footbridge to a plan

There’s still no blossoms on my tree, but community groups in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows aren’t waiting to launch plans for 2013.

A path and footbridge to a plan
Idle, as if there is nothing to do

Idle, as if there is nothing to do

Native talks with government need a unified voice if they hope to stop projects like Gateway.

Idle, as if there is nothing to do
Champions are ready at the helm

Champions are ready at the helm

Local government should assist with, but can’t solve all the needs of communities.

Champions are ready at the helm
The villain behind sockeye decline

Equal and inalienable rights for all

Justice for those with disabilities has been reasserted in Canada

The villain behind sockeye decline
The villain behind sockeye decline

The villain behind sockeye decline

Examining the causes proves there's plenty of blame to go around.

The villain behind sockeye decline
Making a community bundle of sticks

Making a community bundle of sticks

Residents circulated fliers and wrote letters to council, condemning the gravel proposal and urging it be killed.

Making a community bundle of sticks
Fish act changes are unacceptable

Fish act changes are unacceptable

A Maple Ridge ad hoc Committee charged with assessing local implications of those changes thinks they’re already frightening.

Fish act changes are unacceptable
Where people work, live and play

Where people work, live and play

Gerry Pinel heads the Golden Ears Transition Initiative, one of 440 grassroots community building projects around the world.

Where people work, live and play
Different take on fish act changes

Different take on fish act changes

Conservative MP Randy Kamp says change is about serious harm, death to fish.

Different take on fish act changes

Prices rising, time to grow our own

Idea of co-op store in Maple Ridge, could lead to a community focus place

Jack Emberly.

If Fisheries Act wasn’t broken, why fix it?

A column by Maple Ridge resident Jack Emberly, a retired teacher, local author and environmentalist.

Jack Emberly.
Jack Emberly.

A plan to protect salmon habitat

Fifteen years ago, DFO thought its job was preventing pollution, saving habitat, and protecting fish.

Jack Emberly.
Destroy the trees, kill the root hairs

The price of doing business in Ridge

The owner of a popular Maple Ridge restaurant couldn’t survive high costs of doing business here.

Destroy the trees, kill the root hairs
Who will save Supernatural B.C.?

Who will save Supernatural B.C.?

Individuals whose lifelong reverence of all living things is reflected in their deeds.

Who will save Supernatural B.C.?