HUB Cycling committee members have helped out with two education courses at schools in our area.
Cycle Recyle at Earth Day helped out new arrivals.
HUB has mapped the gaps that make it difficult for people to use their bikes for longer distance trips along more direct routes.
One of HUB’s favorite events of the year took place Sunday as 30 people in two groups took part in the third annual Bike to Farms ride.
E-bikes are great for elderly people who may not have the strength and stamina anymore to bike very far.
Twenty rcycled bicycles will be given away at Earth Day thanks to Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows chapter of HUB.
Columnist contends the voting system flawed but ultimately feels it's the right thing to do for Vancouver.
More people walking and biking leads to lower health care costs
I would like to suggest that the infrastructure deficit will be one of the main election issues.
HUB are organizing a bike tour of the Katzie Slough on Saturday, July 19.
If you already have a bike – well, don’t make any excuses for not riding your bike to an event like Earth Day.
Maple Ridge rates as the second worst municipality for cycling in Metro Vancouver, according to a bikeability study done at UBC.
It's imperative that we put a stop to the way our municipality continues to expand into our forests and agricultural lands.
A column on cycling by Jackie Chow, a member of the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows chapter of HUB.
A column on cycling and smart growth by avid cyclist Jacki Chow
City of Victoria is putting forward a resolution proposing a reduction of the maximum speed limit on all B.C. residential roads
Column about cycling and urban planning by Jackie Chow, a member of the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows chapter of HUB
Cycling group would like to see more kids pedaling to school
Our reliance on the car for everything we do changed the way we shop.
In late June, more than 800 delegates from countries around the world took part in Velo-city Global 2012.