James Murray

Fishing more about the moment

A very wise man once told me it’s not the number or even size of fish you catch, but being out on the water that matters.

Benefits to being the early bird

It has been said that anglers are ever the optimists, for each cast made has its own unique possibilities and potential

Be aware of the bear necessities

It is against the law to stop and feed wild animals – especially large carnivores such as bears.

Effort trumps need for excuses

I don’t even want to know how many times I have had to come up with some sort of lame excuse as to why I didn’t catch anything

Watching, waiting and learning

The other morning, I found myself casting just downstream from a couple of well-heeled anglers who were sporting some rather fancy gear

Flies worth their weight in gold

The other day I came across a brown leather wallet that was designed to hold flies for fishing

Understanding invasive species

The other day I saw about half a dozen birds sitting in the branches of an apple tree outside my front window

Kids fishing derby in good hands

It felt strange not being there last Sunday morning, at the end of Marine Park wharf, for the 19th Annual Salmon Arm Kid’s Fishing Derby

Fishing Adventurer a worthy catch

We got our first television set back in the early sixties.

Tall grizzly tale from a storyteller

Going back to the earliest of times, First Nations people have told stories about grizzly bears that have been passed on

Kids can get ready for fishing fun

The water level in the lake is on the rise, and last weekend I saw a number of kids down at the end of the wharf with their fishing rods

Sitting and watching the storm roll in

The Great Outdoors: Enjoying the camaraderie that relaxing in an Adirondack chair can bring.

Tailings of woe for lakes across country

Cans, bottles, wrappers – there is no end to the crap some people are willing to leave behind when they go fishing.

Good gear for crossing perilous waters

In last week’s column, I suggested the trick to wading in fast flowing waters is having an understanding of what you’re up against

Art and science of crossing a stream

When casting a line to trout swimming through the runs and riffles of a stream, anglers often have to wade out into fast-flowing waters

Settling to be a part of the swarm

“It’s in the air – you can feel it – spring has finally arrived,” I thought to myself as I sat in my vehicle looking out at all the boats

Success from simple observations

For a fair number of years now, I have been concentrating most of my summer fishing efforts on a select number of small Interior lakes

Well worth the price of a licence

In all the years that I’ve been fishing, I have only been asked once to produce my fishing licence – which I did, so all was well

Common-sense approach to bears

The worrisome thing is that too many bears have learned how to rummage around dumpsters and people’s backyards in search of an easy meal.

Candidates offer environmental views

Over the past three weeks I have spent considerable time pondering both the upcoming federal election…