Jane Muskens

Muskens: Competition tough to attract foreign students to Canada

Most post-secondary institutions offer exchange programs where B.C. students can learn at an institution outside of Canada.

Muskens: Number of high school grads heading to college is growing

It’s nine years since the Ministry of Advanced Education began tracking how many high school student go on to either college or university.

Muskens: Post-secondaries must cut costs to keep budgets in line

Years ago, with decent jobs, most students were able to cover the cost of going to college or university.

Muskens: Innovative technology requires new job skills almost daily

If we knew everything ahead of time, we would be able to predict what kind of skills and jobs are going to be required in the future.

Muskens: Best job list offer some surprising areas of opportunity

You’re unemployed and you want a good job that pays well and has high job security. Where do you start?

Muskens: Do your own research to figure out life-long career goals

Years ago in elementary school my brother-in-law took a career test and was told he should become a farmer.

Muskens: A strong education system needed if this country is to grow

Last week’s column ended on a note about the importance of the middle class to ensure income equality in Canada.

Muskens: Investing in British Columbians

In this day and age it’s easy to dwell on the negatives such as the economy, unemployment, and the rising price of groceries.