Jason Asbell

On Oct. 13, Patagonia presents the Sweetgrass-produced documentary Jumbo Wild that charts the true story of the decades-long battle over the future of British Columbia’s iconic Jumbo Valley.

COLUMN: Time to get involved

Civic Theatre manager Jason Asbell on upcoming films about Jumbo and Naomi Klein.

On Oct. 13, Patagonia presents the Sweetgrass-produced documentary Jumbo Wild that charts the true story of the decades-long battle over the future of British Columbia’s iconic Jumbo Valley.
The Civic Theatre is like the Little Engine That Could. Except instead of a train it's, you know, a movie theatre.

COLUMN: The single screen that could

In an industry that has consistently pushed out single-screen theatres to make way for megaplexes, the Civic Theatre’s story is inspiring.

The Civic Theatre is like the Little Engine That Could. Except instead of a train it's, you know, a movie theatre.
COLUMN: The realities of a dream job

COLUMN: The realities of a dream job

Movie columnist Jason Asbell says being a cinema programmer is better than being a brain surgeon.

COLUMN: The realities of a dream job