Jim Grant

The U.S. Fed: twisting and turning

Dollars and Sense

Choose your executor carefully

Dollars and Sense

Tips to corporate class investing

Dollars and Sense

The market volatility continues

We shouldn’t be surprised when markets act irrationally. For example: when U.S. treasuries were downgraded by Standard and Poor’s they actually went up in value. And of course the stock market sold off.

Too early to head for the exits

Dollars and sense

Epic financial crisis in the U.S. likely to be avoided

I have received several requests to write an article on the U.S. debt situation — something that has been getting a lot of attention in the news recently with an important deadline approaching.

Surviving a bear market

In 1982, one of the best investments you could have made would have been a long-term Government of Canada bond. Aside from the security of owning a fund comprised of investments guaranteed by the Canadian government, you would have benefited from long-term bond yields north of 17 per cent.

A fixation with your income

Dollars and Sense

Changing investment priorities

Dollars and Sense

Why we still like gold

Dollars and Sense

Introducing the hedge fund

Dollars and Sense

Reduce tax and keep your OAS

It might be easier than you think

Why we still like gold

Precious metal not something to be held onto blindly

How taxes affect your investments

There are some lesser known strategies available

The value of financial planning

Canadians can feel better about their situation with a little work

Hedging inflation using income funds

There is more than one way to generate income

Transferring wealth is a family affair

The transfer of wealth has begun

IPS: A roadmap to financial success

Suppose you were about to embark on a trip. Let’s imagine that you know where you want to go, but you are not really sure how to get there. What are your options?

Explore the alternatives

Exposure is not so bad

Bailouts and TFSAs: revisiting the credit crisis

Banks aren't the only ones who suffered