Jim Taylor

Taylor: Controlling our thoughts

Thoughts lead to words which lead to life-long beliefs and prejudices.

Taylor: Abstract principles in real life

Would you save your sweetheart if it meant going to jail?

Taylor: Turning ‘to do’ lists into prayers

Pray to let your worries rest in peace until the morning.

Taylor: Weeding as meditation

There’s a sense of power, in organizing a garden. Also a sense of humility, in knowing that nothing I can do will make a seed germinate.

Taylor: Where does the real Bible start?

I wonder, sometimes, what would happen if, instead of prefacing our correspondence with wordy introductions, we cut to the point?

Taylor: Cutting through comfortable assumptions

I know a couple of people for whom heaven…would consist of endless Formula One Grand Prix racing.

Taylor: Cutting through comfortable assumptions

I know a couple of people for whom heaven…would consist of endless Formula One Grand Prix racing.

Taylor: Moments of absolute clarity

Cherish the fleeting glimmer of clarity called intuition.

Taylor: What we know, and don’t know yet

How, in fact, do we know anything?…And yet I also know that almost everything I know will probably turn out to be wrong.

Taylor: The challenge of being different

Extraordinary times are when it may be most beneficial to go against the flow.

Taylor: Many ways to communicate

I wonder how many ways we have of communicating with each other.

Bolivian women knit themselves to prosperity

These Bolivian families have gone from total poverty, to owning and operating their own business, to becoming professionals.

Taylor: The perils of playing it safe

There was this rock star, see, who learned that playing it safe is the only sure way to lose.

Taylor: Opposing forces find each other

I’m not a Zoroastrian. But I think he was right in identifying life as influenced by inseparable opposing forces.

Taylor: No past, no future–there’s only now

The past has gone; the future hasn’t happened yet. There is only now to live in.

Taylor: Keeping our proper place

Perhaps classroom-style seating is intended to discourage questioning, discussing, sharing. Just be good…and do as you’re told

Taylor: Secrets of success and happiness

Saying No to everything will leave you in a deep and lonely rut.

Taylor: If trees could speak

The trees talked about the joy they felt as children scrambled over their roots and swung from their branches.

Taylor: Things we never knew we’d learned

I refuse to believe in a God who deliberately causes landslides. But I cannot rid myself of the notion that Something influences my life.

Taylor: The test of any demagogue

…it’s hard to disagree with someone’s personal experience. I may question someone’s opinions; I can’t question her experience.