John Patrick

Now out on video

Jackie Robinson's career with the [Brooklyn] Dodgers is without a doubt one of the all-time great sport stories.

Despicable Me 2 open at the Beacon Theatre Friday

For grownups there are many clever references scattered throughout Despicable Me 2.

Fall movie season preview

While the summer movie season is in full swing, Hollywood is already gearing up for the fall season.

Zombie Apocalypse this Friday

When the zombie apocalypse goes down, it would help if you were good at running very fast.

Man of Steel in town this week

Year’s most anticipated movie arrives with hopes of successfully furthering the adventures of the most iconic of all superheroes, Superman.

Testosterone fueled fun

‘Fast & Furious 6’ is turbo charged cheese at its finest and is opening at the Beacon Theatre this Friday.

Star Trek Into Darkness at theatre this Friday

This crew of terrific characters continues to make this an extraordinary sci-fi saga.