Judie Steeves

Eva (left) and Monica Wattie carry off the buckets of fresh strawberries they picked at Benvoulin Road Strawberries this week, before the rains started.

It’s strawberry season in the Okanagan

The season may be short but it's sweet, and strawberry lovers have another few weeks to get their fill of Okanagan, vine-ripened berries.

Eva (left) and Monica Wattie carry off the buckets of fresh strawberries they picked at Benvoulin Road Strawberries this week, before the rains started.
Cheers to the new partnership between the Okanagan Wine Festivals Society represented by Blair Baldwin (left), and the Okanagan Pride Society, represented by vice-president Brad Therrien.

Winefest teams up with Okanagan Pride

In a bid to attract pride tourists to the Okanagan, this year's festival will feature an Okanagan Wine Festivals Society event.

Cheers to the new partnership between the Okanagan Wine Festivals Society represented by Blair Baldwin (left), and the Okanagan Pride Society, represented by vice-president Brad Therrien.
It rained this week—heavily—but there are ways of staying dry.

Rain warning continued

The worst of this week's rain should taper off today, with a drying trend over the weekend, before more rain hits the valley next week.

It rained this week—heavily—but there are ways of staying dry.
Ian Caird and his son Mason enjoyed a day of fishing during the Peachland Sportsmen's Association annual kids' fishing derby at Shannon Lake on the weekend.

Weekend derbies attract anglers of all ages

Hundreds of families turned out for fishing events during the 15th annual Family Fishing Weekend in the Okanagan.

Ian Caird and his son Mason enjoyed a day of fishing during the Peachland Sportsmen's Association annual kids' fishing derby at Shannon Lake on the weekend.
BBQ beef

from Jude’s Kitchen: Celebrate summer

This week the summer solstice means the start of summer and the barbecue becomes king, while salads become his queen.

BBQ beef
Last summer's cherries in an East Kelowna orchard.

Huge market opens for B.C. cherries

The culmination of years of effort has paid off with an agreement for B.C. cherries to be exported to the growing Chinese market.

Last summer's cherries in an East Kelowna orchard.
Core renewal at fruit co-op

Core renewal at fruit co-op

Tree fruit growers in B.C. are torn between the traditional co-op and alternative places to ship their harvest.

Core renewal at fruit co-op

China opens door to B.C. cherries

After years of negotiations, Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz says an agreement has been reached on export of cherries to China.

Steeves/Trail Mix: lots happening this weekend outdoors

The Okanagan is going to bustling with activities, both on the lake and in the hills this weekend, and the weather promises to cooperate.

B.C. Fruit Growers Association president Jeet Dhukia.

Growers prepared to educate new ag minister

The orchard industry is becoming quite practised at educating new agriculture ministers, so they're eager to meet this one too.

B.C. Fruit Growers Association president Jeet Dhukia.
The knapweed root weevil introduced to combat an invasion of diffuse, spotted and Russian knapweeds in the past couple of decades is now having an impact on that invasive species, but every year there are new threats to B.C.’s ecology.

Prevent invasive species from gaining a toehold

Celebrate invasive species week by preventing them from getting established in the Okanagan—whether it's mussels or plants.

The knapweed root weevil introduced to combat an invasion of diffuse, spotted and Russian knapweeds in the past couple of decades is now having an impact on that invasive species, but every year there are new threats to B.C.’s ecology.
Volunteers build check dams to slow the downhill flow of water eroding the soil from the Bald Range grassland off Bear Main Forest Service Road on the Westside.

Volunteers get Down and Dirty

Volunteers from a number of local clubs gathered Saturday to labour in the dirt to help restore a grassland on the Westside

Volunteers build check dams to slow the downhill flow of water eroding the soil from the Bald Range grassland off Bear Main Forest Service Road on the Westside.
Chard/Kale Pie

from Jude’s Kitchen: Real (healthy) Food

Eating real, local food, fresh from the soil, is a good way toward good health, believe the authors of a book called RealFood RealHealth.

Chard/Kale Pie
Trails can take you to terrific views, and sometimes there's even a place to relax there.

Steeves/trail mix: trails strategy encouraging

There's been a soft release of a new provincial trails strategy and most of its 22 action items look encouraging.

Trails can take you to terrific views, and sometimes there's even a place to relax there.

Flood fears ease with dry weather

With earlier melting of this year's snowpack and drier weather forecast, officials are less concerned about flooding in the coming weeks.

Seven-spotted ladybug

Flap till you flip for science

A volunteer is needed to flap and flip for a kindergarten class, all in the name of science.

Seven-spotted ladybug
Geographer Murray Roed, one of the authors of Geology of the Kelowna area, has won a national medal from his peers.

Kelowna geologist wins national medal

Murray Roed, author, artist and geologist, has been honoured by his peers with a national award for sharing earth sciences.

Geographer Murray Roed, one of the authors of Geology of the Kelowna area, has won a national medal from his peers.
Naughty mule deer trashes birdbath and chews up flowers, but is at least not aggressive as some can be at this time of year.

Steeves/Trail Mix: Beware of aggressive deer

As deer drop their fawns at this time of year, they can become quite protective, so be wary around your neighbourhood deer.

Naughty mule deer trashes birdbath and chews up flowers, but is at least not aggressive as some can be at this time of year.
lettuce cups

from Jude’s Kitchen: wedding food

It's June so everyone's getting married and those that aren't, are celebrating an anniversary- both of which require great food.

lettuce cups

Drier weather will ease flood threat

Okanagan Lake is close to being full, but unless there are heavy rains, flooding could be averted this year.