Ken Wilson

Column: Help support legion’s Poppy Campaign in Williams Lake

The 2015 Poppy Campaign is now underway across Canada and soon you will see people wearing these blood-red symbols of sacrifice.

Blue Jays playoff baseball and federal politics

The Canadian election surprised many people when Justin Trudeau captured so many seats across the country.

Ken’s Country Kitchen: Barbecued fruit a sweet, tasty snack

I like the warm fall weather we are now enjoying. I just picked a nice big fat strawberry from my garden.

Column: Election candidate slipups common on social media

If you are running for public office or are a top political backroom person it may be a good idea to check back on your previous comments.

Column: Take polling information with grain of salt

There is currently a debate whether we are in a recession in Canada.

Column: Federal election shaping up to be an interesting one

It appears as though all of the candidates for the Federal riding of Cariboo-Prince George have put their names forward.

Column: Corn roast on the barbecue

This is one of my favourite times of the year for the wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are produced locally or in B.C.

Column: Lots of time to make up mind on federal election

So, who do you think is going to win the right to represent Canadians in parliament this October?

Joy of fishing enjoyed on the water and the grill

I always enjoy fishing with other people to watch their face and hear what they first say when a fish gobbles their hook.

Up your cooking game in the great outdoors

A nice campfire meal along with plenty of fresh air and some relaxation is a great way to enjoy what Mother Nature has provided for us.

Show off our country heritage during Stampede

The Williams Lake Stampede got underway last week with the crowning of Cheleigh Sand as this year’s Williams Lake Stampede Queen.

Garden-grown treats useful in many tasty dishes

Blueberries, blueberries and more of those blue tasty morsels of fruit.

Column: Barbecued chicken perfect for summer grilling

It’s early June and I love cooking at this time of the year, because I can do so much of it outdoors.

Looking to drum up support for Hagensborg Waterworks District

Hagensborg Waterworks District faces significant capital investment with its water purification system nearing end of a pilot project.

Cariboo to host Wounded Warrior fly fishing retreat

Wounded Warriors are coming to Williams Lake in September.

Column: Have a safe, fun Victoria Day long weekend

Happy Victoria Day weekend, folks. And a happy May long weekend everyone, or a happy two-four weekend.

Column: Always make room in the kitchen for fresh herbs

Now that spring is well underway, so are the herbs in my garden.

Great appies to snack on for NHL playoff action

Columnist Ken Wilson offers up some applies for NHL playoff watching that leave the reader's mouth watering.

Mount Polley Mine meeting important to attend

Companies, governments, and those in-between, create public relations gaffs by not addressing bad situations in time.

Column: Plenty of options for Easter food delights

May the Easter Bunny leave some nice chocolate Easter eggs for you.