Kevin Boehmer

Kevin Boehmer

Unicorns and fairies

Council comment from Creston's Kevin Boehmer on conflict resolution.

Kevin Boehmer
Kevin Boehmer is a first-term councillor for the Town of Creston.

Council Comment: Creston councillor says budget process flawed

Creston Coun. Kevin Boehmer has send he intends to vote against 2016 town budget, and explains is objects to the process...

Kevin Boehmer is a first-term councillor for the Town of Creston.
Kevin Boehmer is a first-term councillor for the Town of Creston.

Council Comment: Municipal politics is an emotional ride

For the items that aren’t really important we get a lot of flak, says Creston councillor Kevin Boehmer...

Kevin Boehmer is a first-term councillor for the Town of Creston.