Niall McGregor

Physio: Healing with intramuscular stimulation

IMS involves the use of very thin needles which are inserted into the muscles that have shortened and tightened.

Niall McGregor

ACL injuries among the most common knee injuries

ACL injuries have different ways of being managed, depending on the injury.

Niall McGregor
Physiotherapist Niall McGregor

Dealing with nerve originating pain from your neck

Physiotherapist Niall McGregor suggests therapy options that might help ease the discomfort.

Physiotherapist Niall McGregor

Physio: Cervical radiculopathy sends pain down neck and arm

An irritated nerve in your neck can send painful or distressing symptoms down your arm.

Physio: Don’t blame tennis for you tennis elbow

Faulty technique in a tennis shot is only one of the ways that you can get tennis elbow.

Physio: Sciatic nerve can cause leg and hip numbness

Sciatica refers to pain in the lower back, buttock or leg that is caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve.

Physio: May is National Physiotherapy Month across Canada

Sciatica refers to pain in the lower back, buttock or leg that is caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve.

Physiotherapists explore knee pain; benefits of laser therapy

Does the pain at the front of your knee get worse with walking, running, squatting, stairs and prolonged sitting?

Physical Therapy: Exercise to deal with osteoarthritis

It is estimated some 250 million people suffer from knee osteoarthritis globally.

Physio: Don’t let tendinitis become your Achilles heel

This is a time when we are susceptible to injury as our bodies are not prepared for the strains that running places on it.

Physio: Shoulder pain that won’t go away

If you've tweaked your shoulder and the pain won't go away, there is a chance you may have shoulder impingement.

Physio: Musculoskeletal screening and your New Year’s resolution

Was one of your resolutions for 2012 to get in shape? You probably weren’t the only one.