Kristi Pellegrin

Vaux's swifts migrate between British Columbia and Central America every September and April.

MARS MOMENT: Swifts cover vast differences in annual migrations

These swifts are one of the fastest fliers in birdland and are strictly insectivores

Vaux's swifts migrate between British Columbia and Central America every September and April.

JUST CAUSE: Pottery family a poignant reminder of what’s important

Every once in a while, I need a reminder about the good things in life.

JUST CAUSE: No Virginia, this isn’t Mister Roger’s neighbourhood

Recently it was reported that prejudice on a fairly significant scale exists in Campbell River against people who rent

JUST CAUSE: A task force should study the hypocrisy of it all

There is just cause to suggest that the City of Campbell River and many of the citizens here don’t turn their backs on show dogs, sports, mental handicaps, cancer, the environment or families

JUST CAUSE: Who are the real swindlers here?

The word “Bilk” means to defraud, cheat, or swindle.

It was used last week to describe the actions of a disabled woman on a disability pension who was accused of defrauding the Ministry of Social Development because she had collected her $906 monthly income to live on and at the same time had received other income she didn’t realize had to be reported. Then it would be taken off dollar for dollar from her $906.

JUST CAUSE: The cost of keeping people on the streets

A homeless person dies every 12 days in B.C.