Brenda Mallory

Feel free to share your best suet cake recipes

You know I still have pansies and gladiolus blooming. Mind you there are days when they look a bit tired of the process.

Feel free to share your best suet cake recipes

Brenda Mallory's For the Birds.

Being thankful on Thanksgiving

Brenda Mallory's Spice of Life

Hawks fueling for their migration

Brenda Mallory's For the Birds.

Healthy food doesn’t have to be complicated

Brenda Mallory's Spice of Life column.

Call display keeps uninvited strangers at bay

If you are going to hear about some sort of phone scam it will have to do with a senior person. We will want to buy something we don’t need or have some home repairs done that are not on the up and up.

Saskatoon berries drawing out the bears to the yard

A very interesting morning has unfolded for me. I spent some pleasant and poignant minutes speaking to a reader and now avid birder in the northeast. She asked me to protect her anonymity so I do that but I have an idea many in her region know who she is.

An ode to the late, great Common Sense

Brenda Mallory's Spice of Life.

The numerous birds an upside to cool summer

Brenda Mallory's For the Birds

Habit of criticizing the young has grown old.

Brenda Mallory discusses the younger generation.

You will never rue rhubarb

Brenda Mallory extols the rhubarb.

Reports of grackles in the Northeast

Brenda Mallory talks about this week's bird sightings.

Big week of Why

Brenda Mallory asks the age old question: why?

Some ideas for repelling the pesky skeeters

‘Tis the Season. No, not that one, but you can bet your bottom dollar that if there is a mosquito hatch near you that those little beasts will seek you out.

Beating rising food costs

It was one of those weeks when the wet weather was getting…

Feeling coastal as readers report bird sightings

I feel a little coastal today.Rain! In all my years living in…

Mother’s lessons echo from the past

I know, by the time you read this Mother’s Day will have…

Daffodil month means so much

As many of you know April is the Cancer Society daffodil month…

Chocolate just the thing to deal with stress

The sun shines and the birds sing and I should tell you just how thrilled with life I am. Not so! Today my computer told me I had committed a fatal error. Clutch my heart I did just waiting for something to happen.

Take part in the democratic process

I probably should not mention this week’s topic when I have an…