Marcia Beckner

Larch Hills Nordic Society’s new groomer/tracksetter arrived on the hill on Dec. 4, a 2007 Edge that was used for the first three years at the 2010 Olympics and came to the society from Saskatchewan. It replaces a 2002 PB 200 that was traded  in. Machines as such give the society the ability to groom more than 50 kilometres of trail for classic and skating for its 900 members and visitors.

Santa Cruise set for Sunday at Larch Hills

Brrr! What a cold snap we had. It didn’t deter hardy skiers from taking advantage of the terrific conditions in the Larch Hills

Larch Hills Nordic Society’s new groomer/tracksetter arrived on the hill on Dec. 4, a 2007 Edge that was used for the first three years at the 2010 Olympics and came to the society from Saskatchewan. It replaces a 2002 PB 200 that was traded  in. Machines as such give the society the ability to groom more than 50 kilometres of trail for classic and skating for its 900 members and visitors.

Adventures abound in Larch Hills

We headed up to Cec’s Cabin last Tuesday over Spring break to spend the night with our grandson, Max

Getting to know ‘Jackrabbit’ Johanssen

Our trip to ski in Quebec over the past two weeks was steeped in “Jackrabbit” Johanssen history

Beat the blues on Larch Hills

Get above the gloomy clouds and take in the sunshine while skiing or snowshoeing in beautiful surroundings.

One of many volunteers at Larch Hills, Ron Beals pauses at the Larch Hills Nordic chalet as he gets set to ski out to put up trail maps.

Snow magic on the hills

With the first big snowfall last week, the fellows were out packing the trails with the packer behind the snowmobile

One of many volunteers at Larch Hills, Ron Beals pauses at the Larch Hills Nordic chalet as he gets set to ski out to put up trail maps.

Eagerly awaiting snowfall at Larch Hills

Although there may not be snow enough to ski on in the Larch Hills as yet, there is still a lot of activity on the hill

Great year for diehard skiers

Looking down at a carpet of fresh snow surrounded by a snowy landscape, we could truly have been having a mid-winter experience.

Larch Hills Nordic Society skiers proudly claimed the BC Championships club trophy for the second year, this time at home. The championships were held Feb. 18 and 19 at Larch Hills.

Larch Hills skiers compete in nationals

Eight Shuswap skiers participating in the National Cross-Country Championships in Quebec, March 17 to 24.

Larch Hills Nordic Society skiers proudly claimed the BC Championships club trophy for the second year, this time at home. The championships were held Feb. 18 and 19 at Larch Hills.
Tessa Elliott tucks into position for the next hoop during Larch Hills Fun Day Saturday.

Trail Tales

Cross-country skiing enthusiast looks into all the activities at the Larch Hills ski area.

Tessa Elliott tucks into position for the next hoop during Larch Hills Fun Day Saturday.
Phil Wright has a laugh while instructing his Nordic student at Larch Hills on how to get up after a fall.

BC Cross-Country Ski Championships go this weekend at Larch Hills

More than 400 skiers have entered this final race in the BC Cup series, from young children through masters categories to university teams.

Phil Wright has a laugh while instructing his Nordic student at Larch Hills on how to get up after a fall.
Bastion Elementary School student Maggie Rodwell at the annual School District 83 Pirate Loppet held at Larch Hills.

BC Cross-Country Ski Championships on the way

The Pirate Loppet last Friday was a howling success.

Bastion Elementary School student Maggie Rodwell at the annual School District 83 Pirate Loppet held at Larch Hills.