Margaret Evans

Drawing lessons from the Alberta floods

The devastating flooding in Alberta could have critical lessons for towns and cities located near rivers with subdivisions in flood zones.

An ocean of trouble beneath the waves

A current fear is that the oceans could revert to the Precambrian world of 500 million years ago when jellyfish ruled.

Work now begins for new Liberal government

Pollsters and pundits got one thing right last week. The election was the NDP’s to lose.

Looking for a leader with vision

Governments don’t create jobs. They create the business environment to make jobs happen. Which is where leadership comes in.

The enduring impact of Margaret Thatcher

Elected in 1979, she had taken a rough, lonely road of conservative idealisms that would become the legendary Thatcherisms

Carbon offsets draw heated debate

The auditor general's carbon offset report is yet another case in which the Liberal government made a bad situation and make it worse.

Conservation officer Mike Peters looks at the different types of bullet casings found on Vedder Mountain. Behind him is a narrow cutout through the trees, covered in garbage and debris, that people use as a shooting range.

Protection needed for Vedder Mountain

Taking steps to legislating Vedder Mountain as a designated provincial recreation site and an interpretive forest is a welcome move: Evans

Conservation officer Mike Peters looks at the different types of bullet casings found on Vedder Mountain. Behind him is a narrow cutout through the trees, covered in garbage and debris, that people use as a shooting range.

The global reach of local weather conditions

One thing the scientists all agree on is that the future looks troubling.

No easy task ahead for the next pope

Few institutions are as steeped in tradition as the Catholic Church. Its rituals pre-date anything in modern times.

A close encounter of the asteroid kind

Tomorrow Asteroid 2012 DA14, which orbits the sun similar to the orbit of Earth, will make a flyby of our planet

More than protests needed to fix the system

Blockades, starvation diets, protests and threats get people’s attention and make for some good media play, but do they get solutions?

Rising sea levels prompt rising global concern

These UN climate change conferences seem to end up being weaker, less committed and less focused with each passing year.

Carney appointment historic moment for Canada

Mark Carney's skills are going to be sorely missed in Canada. But maybe in the long run we’re all going to benefit.

New life offers hope for lost urban streams

Record numbers of chum salmon have been returning to Still Creek in Burnaby

Marijuana vote a game-changer for Canada

Stephen Harper may be dismissive about state votes in favour of legalizing marijuana last week, but they set the stage for a game changer

Canadian perspective on the U.S. election

With the U.S. election race too hard to call, who will be best for Canada when the chips finally fall?

Weather stats offer reason for concern

If this warm trend continues in the coming years, we may see profound changes in natural food sources, some researchers say.

Challenges ahead for provincial Liberals

Premier Christy Clark has her work cut out for her if she wants her government re-elected next May.

Rekindling the debate over doctor-assisted suicide

The emotional debate on the ethics and morals of euthanasia and doctor assisted suicide continue to be argued.

The genetics behind a thoroughbred’s race to victory

What is it about the thoroughbred that stands the breed apart from others? The ‘speed gene’.