Margo Westaway

The many faces of the moon

“In the days before tractor lights, the lamp of the harvest moon which illuminated the fields... helped farmers to gather their crops.”

The invasion of the stink bugs

Isn’t early fall a great time of year? The air is still warm and the lakes are still swimable for the tougher types.

Trees with spiritual significance

One of the most pleasant ways to find relief from the hot sun is to park yourself under the cool and protective umbrella of a shade tree

Spiritual significance of trees throughout human history

Trees have filled a major cultural, spiritual and symbolic role throughout our human history.

Trophy killing puts focus on animal cruelty

Cecil might feel that his death would not be wasted if it triggers a massive shift in consciousness…

Attitudes towards animals

The thrill of the hunt still is the blood sport of kings, the fat cats and the ones that can occasionally spring for it.

Lawns becoming hostile territory

Those ignoring the water restrictions in Vancouver are now being called a ‘grasshole.’

Contemplating the need for grass space

Understanding our desire to maintain the perfect lawn.

Fires can be beneficial

We all know the terrible impacts these wildfires have on humans and critters, but how do they affect the soil and plants?

Some fires beneficial to forest growth

We all know the terrible impacts wildfires have on humans and critters, but how do they affect the soil and plants?

Respect our water sources

It’s always early when I drop my hubby off at the airport in Kelowna, so I took my usual time getting home

Gardening in the slow lane

Why is it that the Universe seemingly punishes me when I go off to play for a few days

A gardener takes the slow lane

Inevitably all heck breaks loose while I’m away and then my relaxed and refreshed mind and body is immediately sent into high gear again.

When nature turns off the tap

I try to be upbeat and even a little funny when I type these columns, but now I’m going to be a bit of a drip and get serious.

When nature turns off the tap

California drought gives focus to challenges ahead, emphasizes need for food sovereignty.

Small changes, big difference

Every day can be Earth Day and if ‘shift’ needs to happen, then we can all help make it happen

Small changes make a big difference

Every day can be Earth Day and if ‘shift’ needs to happen, then we can all help make it happen.

Making change in chaotic times

Poop happens, but ‘shift’ happens too – and it starts with one garden, farm, landscape and choice, at a time.

Making change in chaotic times

“When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.” Ethiopian proverb

My gardener’s message for the year ahead

When I went to get out our Christmas tree from under the deck, I discovered to my dismay that a squirrel had found a way in.