Maria Kirley

Congratulations EDM

Growing up within nature’s full spectrum can only be a good thing

Timberline's Brett Nelson celebrates his gold medal victory in the 60 kg weight class at the provincial championships in Prince George on Saturday.

Two wrestlers top podium

Brett Nelson and Ali McPhee of Campbell River capture gold medals at B.C. wrestling championships

Timberline's Brett Nelson celebrates his gold medal victory in the 60 kg weight class at the provincial championships in Prince George on Saturday.

Average person is unable to differentiate between real science and pseudo-science

The ban on GE crops in Europe was struck down by their highest court for “lack of evidence of harm to humans or the environment”

Get some fibre

The event has expanded, thanks to an exhibit, guided tour and talk about the history of coastal textiles

BC Hydro signs off contract – ready for blasting

The contract to build the new John Hart Generating Station was signed on Friday

Committee formed to fight ferry cuts

Government officials representing several different B.C. communities have formed a special committee

Cecil ‘Cougar’ Smith with Dick and their prize.

Cecil ‘Cougar’ Smith and his legendary tracking dog Dick

From a young age he showed an aptitude for tracking and at the tender age of 14, killed his first cougar

Cecil ‘Cougar’ Smith with Dick and their prize.
Jilli Martini performs at the Royal Coachman’s Sunday jazz session March 2.

Valley artist plays Coachman

Jilli Martini from the Comox Valley is next in line to play at the Royal Coachman's Sunday jazz sessions

Jilli Martini performs at the Royal Coachman’s Sunday jazz session March 2.
Johnny Vallis as Buddy Holly takes the Tidemark stage April 17 in a tribute to the late rock icon.

Buddy Holly’s music lives on

Johnny Vallis' Buddy Holly tribute shows comes to Campbell River

Johnny Vallis as Buddy Holly takes the Tidemark stage April 17 in a tribute to the late rock icon.

Campbell River Killer Whales take on province’s best

The swim of the meet was definitely Padington with a huge swim in her 400 Free

Why sort recyclables?

Why not have common bins for everything and save time and bother?

Nicole Janveaux is vying to become the North American spokesmodel for a weightbelt company.

Campbell River woman has chance to make a mark in bodybuilding

She has been involved in the fitness community and recently placed first in women’s bodybuilding for all of Western Canada

Nicole Janveaux is vying to become the North American spokesmodel for a weightbelt company.

Campbell River’s managed forest land policy should be fair

TimberWest has some 7,500 acres (3,035 ha) within the boundaries of the municipality

OUR VIEW: Four-year terms a step backwards for local democracy

We say: Touted benefits are little more than provincial spin has continued to spiral downwards

Youth art inspired by the sea

Quadra Island artist Tara Iverson will be teaching an upcoming kids’ class at the Campbell River Art Gallery

Legendary blue singer Jim Byrnes will perform at the Heriot Bay Inn on March 8.

The legend that is Jim Byrnes comes to Quadra Island

His is a 'voice that sounds like it saw creation and followed the devil down to hell'

Legendary blue singer Jim Byrnes will perform at the Heriot Bay Inn on March 8.

Sunday rally to support laid-off Campbell River workers

Members of the Hospital Employees’ Union and their supporters will the march to the New Horizons care facility

Builders forums

Back for its third consecutive year, the city of Campbell River’s free forums for builders and developers will offer five lunch’n’learns

A good year for Campbell River Crime Stoppers

Since the inception of Campbell River Crime Stoppers in 1990, there have been 4,526 tips resulting in in $343,337 in property recovered

Give to the seniors

I was more than a little disappointed that I saw no mention made of the possibility of a seniors’ centre